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the weight of the ball does have an impact because the heavier the ball the more drive through the pin thus creating more pinfall.

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Q: How does the weight of a bowling ball dentermines how many pins it will knock down?
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What is a bowling ball?

A bowling ball is a ball that is used in the game of bowling, where you roll the ball down an aisle and try to knock down as many pins as you can.

What is the highest weight of a bowling ball?

The maximum weight a bowling ball can be is sixteen pounds.

Why was the bowling ball made?

To knock down the pins.

When a bowling ball collidies with a bowling pin?

it tries to knock all the pins down

What is the weight of a bowling ball in newtons?

A 16 pound bowling ball would be 71.172 newtons in weight.

What is the weight of a bowling ball candlepin?

The maximum weight of a typical Candlepin Bowling Ball is 2lb 7oz.

How heavy a bowling ball is can be referred to as its?


When you knock down 0 bowling pins?

That's called a "gutter ball".

What is the most a bowling ball can weigh?

16 pounds is the maximum weight of a bowling ball that can be used in sanctioned events.

What factors are important in selecting a bowling ball?

weight, span and pitch must be considered in selecting a bowling ball.

A bowling ball has a diameter of 8.4in it is made of plastic that weighs .05lbs What is the weight of the bowling ball?

If the plastic in the ball weighs 0.05 lbs, and the ball contains nothing but the plastic, then the weight of the ball is 0.05 lbs.

Can you take weight taken out of a bowling ball?
