If you are 13 you should be able to throw ATLEAST 30ft. My school record is 43ft 8in. And if you cant throw around 30ft you mignt want to pick a different event.
How is that the top answer? Dont bother competing unless you throw 30'? No. It's so wrong. Probably a teenager wrote that. Please ignore it. If your kids wants to do shot put, let them as long as they are willing to learn and practice the technique. If a kid (boy or girl) wants to learn shot put then start learning proper technique. Then start to pay attention to setting realistic goals, and achieving them. Some may break school records and that's nice. But the real reward is learning the concept of steady improvement over time and reaching your goals. That is a key "life skill" they will take with them through life.
My son is 13, 7th grade, played football and excelled, but he loves throwing events. This is his first year and he is winning around 60% of the meets, and he's beating bigger and older kids. But he doesn't care are about the wins. He told me yesterday that setting goals, and reaching his goals by learning and drilling form is more gratifying because he realized he is in control of his progress. Many of his competitors that beat him aren't drilling technique. Those competitors aren't improving. He is. By the end of the season, he is trying to add 5 feet to his current throw. Next year, his last year in middle school, he wants to shatter the record (44' something) by at least 2 feet. I told him if he focuses, plans, take smaller steps towards improving, he can get there.
The distance a 13-year-old should be able to throw a shot put can vary greatly depending on factors such as their physical development, training, and technique. On average, a 13-year-old beginner might be able to throw a shot put around 20-25 feet, while a more experienced and trained athlete could potentially throw it over 30 feet. It's important for young athletes to work with a coach to develop proper technique and strength training to improve their throwing distance safely and effectively.
Well when i was in 7th grade at the age of 12. I was able to throw a 8 lbs shot 42.3..and for the people that say size matters. I was only 5'5 and 130 pounds
when i was 12 i threw 15.8
20.56 meters
Shot put: In shot put, athletes throw a heavy metal ball as far as possible from a circle. Javelin throw: Athletes throw a long spear-like implement called a javelin as far as possible within a designated sector. Discus throw: In discus throw, athletes throw a heavy circular disc as far as they can from a circle within a designated sector.
It's a sport where you try to throw a heavy ball as far as you can (track and Field)
outside of the 3 point circle
Im an 8th grader and they made a stupid rule that now the shot has to be 8 pounds instead of 6 so no one can tell me if 24 feet is a good
A good female outfielder maybe able to throw from outfield to home plate. A good outfielder can throw one hoppers with accuracy.
it is a event were a person would throw a heavy ball from a certain spot. once thrown they would measure how far it went. who ever throw it the furthest would win
It is 10ft from the goal
really far they can throw as far 200 metres
25-30, I'm a freshman and I'm around 30 every throw, and I bench 205
on my track team and according to the league standards from where i live (southeast PA), 94 feet it a pretty decent throw. IF you are a 14 year old girl and are throwing it that far you should be pretty happy with yourself. good work.