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Yes, playing Basketball is a great way to slim down and stay in shape. In addition to improving cardiovascular condition, basketball tones muscles and converts fat to lean muscle. It also helps people effectively shed those unwanted pounds.

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16y ago

you have to run, rump, move back and forth, dribble, it's probably the most activating sport.

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Any exercise that boosts your heart rate above average level will help burn fat to some extent.

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Q: Does basketball make you loose more weight than jogging?
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Does running or jogging make your theighs bigger?

it usually makes them leaner. weight lifting builds muscle. running or jogging is an endurance exercise or cardio.

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A girls basketball is easier to make a basket with because of the size and weight no matter the gender

Does sleeping make you fat?

No, it actually makes one loose weight.

Does doing jogging loses weight for skinny persons?

But you have to make it your regular practice. Sometimes if you get lazy then you can take the help of joggers support stuff like strollers. Strollers will bring freshness in your jogging practice. I have bought a double jogging stroller from Booyah Strollers and move every day morning with my two friends my jogging stroller and my little baby Samon.

Im thirteen and i need to lose weight to get a flat stomach?

ok so i am fourteen am im learning all about weight loss in pe. if you want to loose weight it will take some time, but the best thing to do is exercise every day so that you loose at least 250 calories(ex. walking for an hour, jogging, etc.) but you also have to eat 250 calories less a day..just skip eating that extra miffin or piece of pizza. and in a week you will loose one pound of pure fat! i know it might not seem like a lot but it will make you become a lot healthier! good luck

Is it true if you stop smoking cigaret make you gain weight?

Not like that. Smoking cigarette is not related to weight loose and gain.

What is the purpose of jogging?

Most people jog to either relieve stress, to get the multiple health benefits you get from jogging or to burn calories. It also makes your resting heart rate and blood pressure lower, so it can be used to make those levels lower. The relationship between jogging and low cholesterol is also proven. Jogging is incredibly useful and it helps people with losing weight.

Should you play on the Wii fit?

Yes, it can make you loose weight (the fun way).

You are 13 and your weight is 50 kg what should you do?

exercise, jogging, take part in athletics.. dont go for dieting, it will make you weak from inside.. enjoy..:)

What would be the one best weight loss exercise if you only had time for one?

Well lifting weights is going to build muscle which will actually make you gain weight and size. Playing tennis for an hour will raise your heart rate which will make you loose weight. I would definitely go with tennis if you are looking to loose weight.

Can diet foods make you healthier and lose weight?

Well, Diet foods are healthy but probably not loose weight im sure of that :)