Most people jog to either relieve stress, to get the multiple health benefits you get from jogging or to burn calories. It also makes your resting heart rate and blood pressure lower, so it can be used to make those levels lower. The relationship between jogging and low cholesterol is also proven. Jogging is incredibly useful and it helps people with losing weight.
It is impossible to answer this question without knowing "Better for what?" Cardio involves the upper body more than jogging. Nevertheless, most people probably would prefer jogging. The best way to answer that question is to try them both and see which works better for your purpose.
To jog = Trotar Jogging = Trotando
jog on means forget about it or i rest my case toughes say it like me
what kind of clause is than jogging
for joggingThe gerund is jogging, in the prepositional phrase "for jogging." The gerund is a noun here.
Ladies trainers are running shoes made specifically for women. They are perfect for walking, jogging, running or sprinting. They are made to fit the physique of a female. You can find cheap jogging suits on the website. Also you can look at for cheap jogging suits
The Bob Revolution Stroller is the best jogging stroller currently available. Essentially, the Bob Revolution is the best dual-purpose. You won't need a separate stroller for trips to the mall, grocery store, or other day to day activities. The Bob Revolution is just as comfortable at a full jogging pace as it is on a slow stroll down the sidewalk. For these reasons, the Bob Revolution is highly recommended.
I/You/We/They jog. He/She/It jogs. The present participle is jogging.