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In other words, does a Golf ball roll faster up a hill? No obviously not. It would roll faster down a slope, it's called gravity.

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Q: Does a golf ball go faster as you increase the slope of a ramp?
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Does an English golf ball spin faster than an American golf ball?

No, they are the same ball.

Which book is faster a football and a golf ball?

A football and a golf ball are both faster than a book, even if kicked with the same force. Between a football and a golf ball the winner will be the golf ball, because the football has much more drag.

Which ball rolls down a slope faster a golf ball or a tennis ball?

The mass of the objects don't matter in free fall - they both fall at the same time, assuming air resistance is negligible. However in your case, the golf ball has less air resistance than a tennis ball (add that to the fact tennis ball consist most of air inside adding more to the air resistance). Therefore, the golf ball falls faster than a tennis ball - Hope that helped!

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To increase the final momentum of a golf ball, you could increase the initial velocity of the ball, increase the mass of the ball, or increase the duration of time that the force is applied to the ball during impact. These factors will contribute to a higher final momentum of the ball.

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In general, a golf ball falls faster than a ping pong ball due to its greater mass and thus higher inertia. This means that gravity has a stronger effect on the golf ball, causing it to accelerate more quickly towards the ground compared to the ping pong ball.

Explain the slope rating on a golf course?

Slope rating is the difficulty of the golf course. The higher the rating, then the more difficult one should have. The greens are faster, the course is hilly, and there are many more bunkers.

Could an elephant have the same momentum as a golf ball why or why not?

Well, that depends on how fast the golf-ball is going, if it's going 30 mph, yes is can, If faster no.

Compare the speed of a moving golf ball with the speed of a moving bowling ball if both balls have the same amount of momentum?

If both balls have the same momentum, then the speed of the golf ball will be faster compared to the speed of the bowling ball. This is because the golf ball has less mass than the bowling ball, so it needs to move at a higher speed to have the same momentum.

Does the weight of the softball and the baseball effect the speed?

Well if you throw a bowling ball and a golf ball, which is gonna go faster?

Which one would go faster with the same kinectic energy bowling ball or a golf ball?

The golf ball would go faster because it has less mass compared to the bowling ball but the same kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of an object is determined by both its mass and its velocity, so the lighter golf ball would be able to achieve a higher velocity with the same amount of kinetic energy as the heavier bowling ball.

Can you use a golf rangefinder with the slope function in golf tournaments?

no they forbidden but you can turn the slope function off and use it

Which ball bounces higher golf ball or tennis ball?

A Golf Ball