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The mass of the objects don't matter in free fall - they both fall at the same time, assuming air resistance is negligible. However in your case, the Golf ball has less air resistance than a tennis ball (add that to the fact tennis ball consist most of air inside adding more to the air resistance).

Therefore, the golf ball falls faster than a tennis ball -

Hope that helped!

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12y ago
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14y ago

it does because a golfball is smaller than a Baseball

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13y ago

The golf ball has less air resistance then the tennis ball, and so accelerates slightly quicker (it will also have a greater terminal velocity).

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12y ago

It really depends on the size of the slope and the surface terrain but the golf ball should be fast sinces it is heavier.

Tank you very much

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Q: Which ball rolls down a slope faster a golf ball or a tennis ball?
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I believe it does. If you imagine it with a bowling ball and two tennis balls, when you roll one tennis ball into another stationary tennis ball, it rolls away, but not that far. Now repeat the same experiment with a bowling ball and a tennis ball, the result is much clearer as to which moved the stationary tennis ball more. The bowling ball did as it has a larger mass and size.

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