Yes, you can mark the ball with a tee - but only to identify it, you must not clean the ball and then you must replace the ball (exactly where it was) and create the same lie (so if it was buried, bury it again).
This question requires more there are different types of "hazards" that can be involved. For instance, a sand trap is a hazard, and the ball must be played "as it lies", without being touched or moved, even if it is in a tire mark or footprint. If a ball is within the marked hazard boundaries such as a swampy area, again the ball must be played as it lies. The player can take relief from the hazard by declaring the ball unplayable, and is subject to a penalty stroke. In any case if a ball is clearly within the marked hazard (red or yellow stakes), the ball must be played as it lies and the club may not be "grounded" prior to taking the stroke. This is why it is important to be courteous to other golfers and repair club and foot marks in a sand trap. If the tire mark is within a "ground under repair" area that is clearly marked, the ball may be lifted and placed within 2 club lengths without penalty.
sand wedge
Hazard is the area of sand or water between the tee and the hole.
Hazard is the area of sand or water between the tee and the hole.
Trap or hazard
You would have to drop the ball one club length from the hazard boundary on the side of the water furthest from the green, because you can not go nearer the hole.
If you drop a ball in sand, the sand particles will absorb some of the ball's kinetic energy, causing the ball to slow down faster than if it were dropped on a hard surface. The ball will also create an indentation in the sand as it lands, displacing some of the grains.
Chemicals can be hazardous to the humans or the environment if improperly disposed of.The mountain road was so hazardous that eventually it was closed.Navy divers often receive hazardous duty pay.
A bunker or sand trap
sand grain
Could be used to refer to a ball that is in a bunker.
a bunker or a hazard.