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While it is not against the rules to yell, cussing can cause you to loose some points if there is a ref. If you use bad words exceedingly often, then the ref can call you on it.

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If the ball hits your opponent on any part of their body before it bounces, then you win the point.

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Q: Can you hit your opponent in tennis?
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What if you get hit with the tennis ball?

You lose the point and your opponent wins the point.

In tennis What is it called when you and your opponent successfully hit the ball back-and-for?

a rally

Strategies associated with tennis?

The best strategy in tennis is to hit the ball where the opponent isn't. You will also win if you keep your opponent running around back and forth, which will tire them out.

What happens if a tennis ball bounces in the tramlines?

it would be classed as out

What are fore hand rally in tennis?

It is were you and your opponent rally using forehands and it is a stable and consistent you hit to him/her and him/her hit to you

What is passing shot in tennis?

When your opponent is at the net volleying the ball and you hit a winner past them where they cannot reach.

Can you hit a tennis ball that is not on your side?

Yes and no. You cannot usually hit a tennis ball that is not on your side, but if the ball bounces on your side first and, when it bounces, spins back to the opponent's side of the court, you may hit it before it bounces again.

In table tennis a ball is hit and backspins into your court without the opponent touching the ball Who is point is it?

It's your point.

Opponent in a sentence?

The other team was the opponent. In the tennis match, Ruby was Daisy's opponent. My opponent was scary. The opponent was prepared.

Why do Russian women tennis players grunt?

Its not just Russian tennis players who grunt; they do it all around this crazy grunting world. But tennis players grunt because they want to distract the opponent from hearing the ball being hit

In tennis are you allowed to volley a return of serve this would be desirable if the opponent has a weak serve?

If by what you mean is are you allowed to hit the return before it bounces - NO.

What is the object of the game tennis?

Well, there are many goals of tennis. When you serve, you try to make the other player hit it out or miss the ball which is called acing. The main goal in tennis is to get the other person to hit the ball out or to miss the ball. That is how you get a point. The order is 15, 30, 40, 45. When you get 45, you win!