You'll have to check local rules, it varies from course to course. Usually if it is defined as a path you are entitled to a free drop, if it is an integral part of the course then you have to play the ball as it lies.
There is an eighteen hole golf course on the grounds of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Part of the course is contained within the race course.
Of Course! But I don't think it is part of the course, maybe just part of the subject per se! But I am definitely sure that golf is played even when you are in college.
An integral part of South America's landscape.
Political parties are an integral part of democracy. Religion is an integral part of Saudi Arabia. Greed is an integral part of human psychology.
Amen Corner is a famous part of Augusta National Golf Club.
Of course not! Vancouver Island is an integral part of the Province of British Columbia.
He likes the part at the end of the course when the black hole is involved.
That refers to the whole number to the left of the fractional part.
A place to play golf that is a homophone of "rough" is "fair." Golf courses are made up of fairways, greens, and hazards like sand traps and water bodies. The fairway is the groomed part of the course that leads from the tee box to the green.
No, because a hazard post is an integral part of the course
It is an integral part of the computer system and can not be removed.It is an integral part of the computer system and can not be removed.