The original post was completely opposite.
Generally distance runners are leaner, and sprinters have large calves and quads. Sprinters need to have strong legs for powerful turnover and explosive starts.
Of course, your leg size isn't going to make or break you, its the rest of your body's conditioning that matters. You could improve your leg strength and sprint, or go with distance. First try out the different distances.
Distance, hands down. Sprinting will build your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are typically larger than slow-twitch muscle fibers. You hardly ever see a sprinter with the skinny legs of a distance runner. It just doesn't happen.
A steer with two short legs and two long legs is "lean beef."
The cast of Long Lean Legs with Cari Shoemate - 2010 includes: Cari Shoemate
Warthogs primarily move by walking or running on four legs. They can also move swiftly in short sprints when escaping from predators. Their legs are well adapted for running and maneuvering through their habitat.
It will strengthen your legs so yes also use resistance training like pulling tires and do sprints. hope that helps
Actually, the ability to run depends on the leg muscles. People with shorter leg muscles (not necessarily the length of the leg itself) have a far greater take-off speed and fare better at short distances doing sprints. Their muscle endurance is very limited. The long muscled legs tend to provide long distance endurance. They are not very fast at the beginning of a race, but their endurance is far superior. So, it's not the race of the person, entirely, but the muscle structure of their legs that matter.
Running everyday will make your leags, specially quadriceps muscles stronger. Depending on your current size, it may make your legs slim, bulky or lean. If you have fat yours will be slim or lean. You are slim, your fat will be bulky. It all actually depends on your gene.
Well, darling, you call that a "lean beef." Two short legs and two long legs make for a unique stance, but hey, it's still a steer at the end of the day. Just make sure it doesn't topple over when it's strutting its stuff in the pasture!
For short distance-strong legs, arms (pumping) long stride For long distance- stamina, strong legs, pacing
Humans balance on two legs. This is less stable than balancing on four legs. The more legs you can lean on, the more stable you are. Centipedes are really stable!
Humans balance on two legs. This is less stable than balancing on four legs. The more legs you can lean on, the more stable you are. Centipedes are really stable!