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It will strengthen your legs so yes also use resistance training like pulling tires and do sprints.

hope that helps

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Q: Will running everyday make you faster?
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How do you make you faster?

you can make yoursalf go faster by eating healthy and lots of exercize everyday for a few weeks.

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The faster your arm the faster yu go

What is a track made out of that will help you run faster?

The track does not make you run faster.You need to keep training to become faster.Do this by running everyday or working your feet.Also,do not run in wet and damp places for safety reasons.

How much weight can you lose running for an hour everyday and eating right?

one hour everyday is too much. 30 mints to 45 at max will make you lose a bout a pound every 5 days provided that you don't take in sugar.. quit sugar and you will lose fat a lot faster..

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Running and. Skating u need leg strength and running will build skating speed

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Running vest are not recommended in warm weather. Running vest will make you hotter and tired faster.

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Most songs are good when you are running, it is best to have something that is upbeat and not slow, as it can make your heart pump faster and give you the adrelaline to move faster.

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practice makes perfect

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Defragment the hard drive.

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It can be more faster with lesser apps running. Chrome will work more faster with high system config.

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The best way to make nds4droid run faster is by improving the CPU on your system. Try not to have any other programs running and you might find that it will work faster for you.