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between 5:30- 6:10 is a good time. Bernard Lagat is 38 and can run sub 4 minutes he is also a Kenyan born American and a multiple time world champion

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14y ago

Usually for healthy ppl and bough ppl run 6 mins per mile

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15y ago

7-10 min

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Q: 26 years old what is a good average for running a mile?
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What is the average time for running 1 mile?

Usually around 6 min-okay 5:30 or lower is good sub 5 is optimal

How many miles running equal 1 mile skiing?

Skiing would be measured along the slope, whereas running is usually measured by the distance covered irrelevant of terrain. I am not a good skier, so I ski almost horizontally, so 1 mile skiing would be almost 1 mile running. FOr a good skier, 1 mile skiing could be 2/3 mile running.

Is running a mile daily bad for teenagers?

it is good for their body

If a runner runs a mile in 6 minutes how fast were they running in MPH?

10mph average

How good is running 1 mile in 9 minutes?

If your a runner in jr high, high school, or college, THATS TERRIBLE. But, if your an average person in their 30's, its alright.

Is 1 mile in 15 minutes good?

No not at all if you're running. I am 12 and I run a mile in 7:05.

How fast was the 4 mintue mile man running?

An average of 15 mph.

What is the average time for a woman 59 years old to run a mile?

A good mile time can range anywhere from under 6:00 till about 11:00 minutes. It depends on your shape. Actual time is not really all that important unless you are trying to run a marathon. Just start by walking and work up to mixed walking/running and eventually all running. Start slow and work on speed and endurance.

How many miles an hour do you average to run a four minute mile?

Running a mile in exactly 4 minutes equates to a speed of 15 MPH.

What is the average mile time for a 13 year old girl?

The average mile time for a 13-year-old girl can vary, but generally falls between 8 to 10 minutes. It is important to focus on personal improvement and not compare oneself to arbitrary standards. Regular training and gradual progression can help improve running times.

If a person runs one mile in 2.18 minutes how fast are they running?

An average speed of 27.52 mph.

By age what is the average running time for 1 mile?

if you are talking about men's tracks its around a 5:05.