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The Pythian Games were held at Delphi in honour of the god Apollo, its patron, just as the Olympic Games were held at Olympia in Elis in honour of Zeus. It was giving thanks fro the god's protection.

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Q: Why were the Pythian games held in honor of Apollo?
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Did Apollo have any fesivals or special honors?

The primary festivals for Apollo were the: Boedromia, Carneia, Carpiae, Daphnephoria, Delia, Hyacinthia, Metageitnia, Pyanepsia, Pythia and Thargelia. The Pythian Games, held every 2nd and 4th Olympiad, were also held in his honor.

Who was the patron god or goddess of Delphi?

The Greek god Apollo was the god that Delphi was dedicated to. Apollo killed a serpent Python there and the Greeks held the Pythian Games every four years to commemorate this.

What are the other three famous games held in Greece?

Nemean Games, Isthmian Games, Pythian Games

What were the three other major athletic competitions held in Greece other than the Olympics?

Nemean Games, Isthmian Games,and Pythian Games

What is the names of the games played to honor greek gods?

There were a multitude. Games were held in a four year cycle (called an olympiad) with a different one each year. They are collectively known as the Panhellenic Games. They were: The Olympic games, held every four year at Olympia in honor of Zeus. The winners (no silver or bronze here) won a kotinos, or a wreath of olive branches made from a sacred tree near the temple of Zeus. The next year would be for the Isthmian Games, which were held every two years starting the year after the Olympics. They were held at Corinth and were to honor Poseidon. The winners would receive a wreath made of pine. The next year saw the Nemean Games, which were held every 2 years on the 2nd and 4th years of an Olympiad. They were held at Nemea and were also to honor Zeus. Winners won a wreath of wild celery leaves. The third olympiad saw the Pythian Games. They were held every four years at Delphi and honored Apollo. Winners of the Pthyian games would receive the famous laurel wreath.

What is a sacred site were the Greeks geld athletic contests every four years?

The Pythian Games (Greek: Πύθια; also Delphic Games) were one of the four Panhellenic Games of Ancient Greece. They were held in honour of Apollo at his sanctuary at Delphi every four years, two years after the Olympic Games, and between each Nemean and Isthmian Games.

What games were held to honor the greek god of Zeus?

The games that were held to honor the greek god Zeus was callled'the Olympic Games.

What ceremonies or celebrations were held in ancient Athens?

The celebrations are: Puanepsia to honor Apollo, Helios and Horai. Osknophoria for Dionysos. And Theseia in honor of Theseus

The olympic games were held in order to?

honor Zeus.

What games were held in honor of Hades?

The Secular Games were held once every hundred years in ancient Greece.

What were the ancient Olympic Games held to honor?

The god Zeus.

The anceient games began as a part of a religious festival in honor of?

The ancient Olympic games were held in honor of the Greeks' chief god, Zeus. They were held at Olympia - hence the name Olympics.