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These athletes competed mostly for pride, patriotism, and religious honor. The Olympic winners received a wreath made of a sacred olive tree branch. The branches were cut from the tree which grew in the backyard of the Temple of Zeus and was supposedly planted by Hercules.

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Q: Why were people in Ancient Roman Olympics given winner's wreaths?
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What did the winners in ancient greek Olympics get?

Well they win nothing but they have a ribbon tied around their head and sometimes people throw flowers and roses at the people.

What prizes did the Olympics the people get?

They received laurel wreaths.

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This is a traditional gift when people win something. The Greeks gave Laural wreaths and the Hawaiians give a lei when they greet people or have a special occasion. Flowers are something that lives a short time, but gives the receiver "pat on the back."

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What WERE the ancient Olympics...ancient people competed in Physical activities

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Same as it feels like now just in Ancient Times. You were supported by fans and people were giant fans of the winners. They were role-models and everyone wanted to grow up just like them.

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Decorative wreaths.

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Was there ever an Olympics where people where naked?

Yes, in the Ancient Olympics in Greece. (776BC to 393 AD)

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There are several situations in which you can use a Christmas reef, many people use Christmas wreaths to hang on the door as Christmas decorations over the festive period, in Ancient Rome people used Christmas wreaths as a sign of victory.