

What ancient people started the Olympics?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The Greeks

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Q: What ancient people started the Olympics?
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Why did they have the Olympics?

the Olympics started as a festival for the ancient god Zeus.

How many people took part in the Olympics from the start?

six people took part in the ancient greek Olympics when it very first origionally started .

When was the Ancient Olympics started?

In 776BC.

Where did the ancient Olympic's get started?

The ancient Olympics were held and started in contribution to Zeus, king of all the Greek gods. The origin of the ancient Olympics were in Olympia, Greece.

What it the approximate date of when the Olympics started?

the Ancient olympics i think started on the 16th of June 776bc i am not sure of this answer

Why is Greece first in the Olympics?

Greece is first in the Olympics because Greece is where the Olympics started in ancient times.

When were the ancient Olympics started back up?


Why and how was Olympics started again in AD1896?

The Olympics were started by the ancient Greeks to entertain the Olympians also know as the Greek Gods.

What year did the Olympics start?

Around 776 BCThe Ancient Olympics started in 776 BC. Then they stopped and they started the modern summer Olympics in 1896. The winter Olympics started in 1924. Then the youth Olympics (Summer and winter) started in 2010.

Why were the ancient Olympics started?

The Olympics were started as a ceremony honoring Zeus, the Greek god. One theory is that a cook had won a race of three and a half miles, starting the Olympics. :)

When were the ancient Olympics games started?

i dont know i dont know

What date did the Ancient Olympics start?

776 B.C. it was started and recorded