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In 1895, Lenin and a few other socialists formed an organization called the Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class. Lenin was arrested and sentenced to one year in prison and three years in exile in Siberia. The Union was seen by the Tsarist regime as advocating for workers' rights much like a trade union would; however trade unions were illegal under the Tsar.

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Q: Why had Lenin been imprisoned by the Russian government?
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Why did Vladimir Lenin leave Russia in 1917?

Lenin fled from Russia to Finland to avoid being arrested by the forces of the Russian Provisional Government. There had been an attempted revolution by other political parties and soldiers against the Provisional Government in early July 1917. It failed and many of the revolutionaries were arrested, imprisoned or exiled. To avoid this, Lenin left the country for a short time then snuck back into Russia disguised as a railway worker. Lenin even had Joseph Stalin shave his beard off so he would not be recognized.

What year did Vladimir Lenin lead the Russian Revolution?

It was 1917 when Lenin and the Bolsheviks in a nearly bloodless coup took over the Provisional Government that had been in place since the February 1917 revolution. The Provisional Government was dissolved and Lenin assumed power in Russia. It wasn't until 1920 that his hold on Russia was solidified, because the Russian Civil War soon broke out and lasted until 1920.

What kind of government did Lenin initiate?

A communist system of government replaced the old, decadent, corrupt monarchy, after the Russian Revolution of 1917. Lenin created a socialist type of government, not a communist type of government. The government created by Lenin was just as repressive and autocratic as the monarchy that had been replaced. Dissent from Bolshevik/Communist doctrine or against the leaders of the Bolsheviks (meaning Lenin himself) was deemed counter-revolutionary and subjected the dissident to exile, imprisonment or death. All political parties, then existing as well as to be formed, except the Bolshevik/Communist Party were dispersed and outlawed. Lenin created the Bolshevik Party which seized governmental power from the Russian Provisional Government, which had been set up in place of Tsar Nicholas' II's rule. Then he created the first Russian republic called the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, which in 1926 became the Soviet Union. Once the Bolsheviks had all political power with no way for the people to change things, the government got just as corrupt as the Tsar's had been.

In what event did Vladimir Lenin take power?

Lenin took power from the Russian Provisional Government headed at that time by Alexander Kerensky. Lenin did not take power from or overthrow the Tsar. That has already been done by the time Lenin took control.

When did Lenin overthrow Russia's government?

Lenin overthrew the Russian Provision Government headed by Alexander Kerensky. Lenin did not overthrow the Tsar. The PG had been put in place after Tsar Nicholas II abdicated as a result of the February Revolution of 1917. The PG was supposed to be temporary until the Russian Constituent Assembly could be convened to create a new permanent government. Lenin took advantage of the weakness and unpopularity of the PG and engineered what amounted to a military coup rather than a true revolution to overthrow the Provisional Government in what has been called the October or Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

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Why did Vladimir Lenin leave Russia in 1917?

Lenin fled from Russia to Finland to avoid being arrested by the forces of the Russian Provisional Government. There had been an attempted revolution by other political parties and soldiers against the Provisional Government in early July 1917. It failed and many of the revolutionaries were arrested, imprisoned or exiled. To avoid this, Lenin left the country for a short time then snuck back into Russia disguised as a railway worker. Lenin even had Joseph Stalin shave his beard off so he would not be recognized.

What year did Vladimir Lenin lead the Russian Revolution?

It was 1917 when Lenin and the Bolsheviks in a nearly bloodless coup took over the Provisional Government that had been in place since the February 1917 revolution. The Provisional Government was dissolved and Lenin assumed power in Russia. It wasn't until 1920 that his hold on Russia was solidified, because the Russian Civil War soon broke out and lasted until 1920.

What kind of government did Lenin initiate?

A communist system of government replaced the old, decadent, corrupt monarchy, after the Russian Revolution of 1917. Lenin created a socialist type of government, not a communist type of government. The government created by Lenin was just as repressive and autocratic as the monarchy that had been replaced. Dissent from Bolshevik/Communist doctrine or against the leaders of the Bolsheviks (meaning Lenin himself) was deemed counter-revolutionary and subjected the dissident to exile, imprisonment or death. All political parties, then existing as well as to be formed, except the Bolshevik/Communist Party were dispersed and outlawed. Lenin created the Bolshevik Party which seized governmental power from the Russian Provisional Government, which had been set up in place of Tsar Nicholas' II's rule. Then he created the first Russian republic called the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, which in 1926 became the Soviet Union. Once the Bolsheviks had all political power with no way for the people to change things, the government got just as corrupt as the Tsar's had been.

What Marxist leader overthrew the post-Czar Russian government?

No Russian communist overthrew the Russian monarchy. The Tsar abdicated in March 1917 after the February Revolution. A non-communist Provisional Government was then set up. In October 1917, the Russian Communist leader overthrew the Provisional Government. The Russian monarchy had already been overthrown.

In what event did Vladimir Lenin take power?

Lenin took power from the Russian Provisional Government headed at that time by Alexander Kerensky. Lenin did not take power from or overthrow the Tsar. That has already been done by the time Lenin took control.

When did Lenin overthrow Russia's government?

Lenin overthrew the Russian Provision Government headed by Alexander Kerensky. Lenin did not overthrow the Tsar. The PG had been put in place after Tsar Nicholas II abdicated as a result of the February Revolution of 1917. The PG was supposed to be temporary until the Russian Constituent Assembly could be convened to create a new permanent government. Lenin took advantage of the weakness and unpopularity of the PG and engineered what amounted to a military coup rather than a true revolution to overthrow the Provisional Government in what has been called the October or Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

What event caused Lenin to return to Russia from exile?

The February 1917 Russian Revolution brought Lenin back to Russia. He had been living in Switzerland at the time and the revolution took him by surprise. The German High Command arranged for Lenin to be transported from Switzerland to Russia in a diplomatically sealed train. The Germans wanted Lenin to create more revolutionary disruption in the hope that a new Russian government would get Russia out of World War I.

What revolution did Lenin lead?

Lenin's Revolution is known as the October Revolution of 1917 or the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. There had been another Russian Revolution in 1917 called the February Revolution, but Lenin did not figure in that at all. He rose to power because of the October Revolution.

Who led the Russian revolution in 1917 and set up a communist state in russia?

Technically speaking, no one ever set up a communist state as Karl Marx defined communism. Vladimir Lenin, after the October Russian Revolution, set up a socialist state in Russia, expecting that at some time in the future it would become a true communist state. It was referred to as a communist state because he had the name of the Bolshevik Party changed to the Communist Party in 1918.

What did Nikolai Lenin have to do with the Russian Revolution?

Nikolai Lenin, also known as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, was a leader of the Russian Revolution, and founded the Bolsheviks. Lenin was also the first head of the USSR. Lenin lived for the good of the future, and believed that Communism was the only way to save the future generations from the present. There were two Russian Revolutions in 1917. Nikolai Lenin, properly known as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, had virtually nothing to do with the February Revolution of 1917. It occurred without his knowledge while he was living in exile in Switzerland. He returned to Russia on April 3, 1917 and immediately began agitating against the new Provisional Government that had been set up when the Tsar abdicated. His Bolsheviks did everything they could to disrupt and undercut the Provisional Government as well as to organize resistance against it. Eventually he lead the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution.

How have communist leaders misused Karl Marx's ideas?

Vladimir Lenin advanced the idea of communism to the people of Russia promising them that they would be better off under a communist regime than under the Czarist regime. The revolution was driven by political forces, not by the economic ones that Marx theorized about. Lenin did not abolish state government although Marx saw communism as a society without a government or even a need for one. After Lenin, Stalin made the government even more powerful and oppressive than had been the Czarist regime. Lenin and Stalin sold communism to the Russian people, however after the Russian people paid the price for that communism, neither Lenin nor Stalin delivered the promised product.

What Russian ruler signed the treaty of brest-litovsk?

It was signed on behalf of the Bolshevik government, then led by Trotsky and Lenin. There was no 'ruler' to sign the treaty, since Czar Nicholas II had been deposed the year before.