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The February 1917 Russian Revolution brought Lenin back to Russia. He had been living in Switzerland at the time and the revolution took him by surprise. The German High Command arranged for Lenin to be transported from Switzerland to Russia in a diplomatically sealed train. The Germans wanted Lenin to create more revolutionary disruption in the hope that a new Russian government would get Russia out of World War I.

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Q: What event caused Lenin to return to Russia from exile?
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What major event in Russian history did Vladimir Lenin influence?

Lenin influenced the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. He did this by agitating for the overthrow of Russia's Provisional Government; promising an end to Russia's involvement in World War I; promising an end to food shortages and promising a redistribution of land to the peasant farmers who worked the land.

Where was Lenin when the 1917 revolution began?

Lenin was in Switzerland when the February 1917 revolution broke out. He was taken completely by surprise that it had happened as were virtually all of the various Russian revolutionaries. This was because that revolution was not a planned event. The uprising began as a spontaneous uprising by the people in St. Petersburg as they suffered with shortages of food due to World War I and the Russian Tsarist government's inability or unwillingness to take care of its people. The German High Command wanted Russia out of the war, so it transported Lenin from Switzerland through Finland to Russia in the hope that Lenin would cause a revolution which would take Russia out of the war. It worked.

In what event did Vladmir Lenin take power?

Lenin took power in the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, which actually took place in November 1917, but Russia was using the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar. Lenin's Bolsheviks had control of some parts of the government, but not all The Russian Civil War broke out between the Red Army (Lenin and the Bolsheviks) and the opposing White Army. The Red Army won out in 1920, placing Lenin firmly in power.

What event occurred in 1887 that caused much resentment against the Russian Czarist regime?

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's brother Aleksandr was hanged in 1887 for participating in a plot to kill the current Czar, Alexander III.

What was Lenin's impact on Russia?

Lenin's impact on both western and eastern culture and society is difficult to measure, as it has been so widespread. His leadership of the first Communist revolution (in Russia in 1917) established the Soviet Union as a world power. The establishment of the Soviet Union eventually led to the establishment of Communist (and related Socialist) governments around the world, while also transforming language and ideas around the world as reflections of the new force at work in global politics.

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What event in Russia caused them to withdraw from the war?

the revolution began

What major event in Russian history did Vladimir Lenin influence?

Lenin influenced the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. He did this by agitating for the overthrow of Russia's Provisional Government; promising an end to Russia's involvement in World War I; promising an end to food shortages and promising a redistribution of land to the peasant farmers who worked the land.

An event which favored the German position in 1917-1918 was?

gfdfgdfgdf First answer above is a clown.. With that said, this is a major edit. The event that helped Germany late in WW1 was the withdrawal of Russia from the war. This was part of the deal with Germany and Lenin. They agreed to get him back to Russia from his exile if he stopped the Russian participation in the War.

What event of 1919 caused the red scare?

the Bolshevisk revolution in Russia and subsequent formation of the USSR.

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Where was Lenin when the 1917 revolution began?

Lenin was in Switzerland when the February 1917 revolution broke out. He was taken completely by surprise that it had happened as were virtually all of the various Russian revolutionaries. This was because that revolution was not a planned event. The uprising began as a spontaneous uprising by the people in St. Petersburg as they suffered with shortages of food due to World War I and the Russian Tsarist government's inability or unwillingness to take care of its people. The German High Command wanted Russia out of the war, so it transported Lenin from Switzerland through Finland to Russia in the hope that Lenin would cause a revolution which would take Russia out of the war. It worked.

Who emerged as great leader after Russian revolution?

Prince Georgy Lvov was the first leader of Russia after the fall of the Czar. He headed the Provisional Government for the first 3 months of its existence immediately after Czar Nicholas II abdicated. Later, Alexander Kerensky took over the Provisional Government for the next 3 months. Then Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Government and Lenin became the leader. In any event the very first leader of Russia "after the fall of Czarist Russia" was Prince Georgy Lvov and the Provisional Government.

In what event did Vladmir Lenin take power?

Lenin took power in the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, which actually took place in November 1917, but Russia was using the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar. Lenin's Bolsheviks had control of some parts of the government, but not all The Russian Civil War broke out between the Red Army (Lenin and the Bolsheviks) and the opposing White Army. The Red Army won out in 1920, placing Lenin firmly in power.

What event caused an outcry for a Jewish homeland in Palestine?

No single event, Jews had wished to return to their ancestral lands to rejoin the Jews remaining there since the Roman expulsion.

What event planted the radical seed in Lenin's head?

[object Object]

What did Lenin see in the 1905 Russian revolt?

Despite the failure of the 1905 revolt in Russia, Vladimir Lenin saw the event in two ways. For him the revolutionary proletariat was a force to be contended with and had international solidarity at its roots. And, most importantly, this was accomplished despite the "dirty scum" of opportunism and chauvinism that hung on the movements coat tales.

What occurred when Lenin returned to Russia in 1917?

It was in Switzerland in early 1917 watching the revolutionary nature of the strikes from a distance with the help of other leading Bolsheviks. He went through Germany in a locked train-the Germans didn't want him in their country but at the same time they realised that the Bolsheviks wanted to end the war.