when the men went off to fight in the war somebody had to take their places in the major leauges..so the women did it
Because the men were not around to work and build weapons so the women had to do it!
it is a proven fact by jennie finch a USA olympic player that softball is harder to play than baseball.
Depends on what time it was scheduled to play
rosa parks
The 5th FIFA Women's World Cup will be played next year (2011).
None. Women have never played in the Major Leagues. WRONG!!!! I don't know exactly how many women played during World War 2 but they DID play while the men were fighting in the war! Women kept baseball popular!
baseball was lost because baseball is a mans game and women were horrible at playing it and should never play it again
Yes women play baseball.
Of course.
No but they can make sandwiches for baseball players
No, Women never earned that right, but Women enjoy Softball leagues where Women are free to play.
there are none: women play softball
Because the men were not around to work and build weapons so the women had to do it!
Usually men would play the part of women as women hardly had any power during that of an era.
The filled the jobs men left to serve in the military
Women were called into play baseball during WWII while all the men were at war. It lasted for six years before all he men. there was another 16 years before something was put together for women to play a baseball like sport. But of course it had to be more equipt for a women's body; that is the reason for the underhand pitching