

Can women play baseball

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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No but they can make Sandwiches for Baseball players

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Q: Can women play baseball
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Related questions

Do girls play baseball too?

Yes women play baseball.

Do women play baseball?

Of course.

Did women ever play baseball with men?

No, Women never earned that right, but Women enjoy Softball leagues where Women are free to play.

Who are some women baseball players?

there are none: women play softball

Did women play league baseball in skirts?

no that's nasty

How was women's baseball affected by World War 2?

baseball was lost because baseball is a mans game and women were horrible at playing it and should never play it again

Why do women play softball and not baseball?

it is a proven fact by jennie finch a USA olympic player that softball is harder to play than baseball.

What time did women baseball start?

Depends on what time it was scheduled to play

Who was the first women to play Major League Baseball?

rosa parks

How long did it take for women to have the privilige to play softball?

Softball was invented in 1887 but everybody played it. Not until later did mostly women play baseball and men can play softball too.

Who was the first woman to play in the national baseball leagues?

Alex Rodriguez.... Just kidding, there is no known women to ever play in the MLB

Can Women play on mens ASA Softball League?

no because that is just with men like in baseball girls cant play and thatll be the same thing