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because they had that in the B.C.s

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Q: Why did they do an Olympic torch relay in Greece?
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Related questions

When was the Olympic torch relay revived?

The Olympic torch relay was invented in 1936.

Where in Greece is the Olympic torch lit?

in olympia, in greece that is where the olympic torch is lit

Why is the Olympic torch relay important?

It is tradition and it pays homage to ancient Greece where the games started.

What is the point in having a olympic flame?

The Olympic torch relay was a ritual that was introduced at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. It was intended to symbolize the "passing of the torch" of western civilization from the ancient Greeks to the Third Reich. Since then, the torch relay ritual has been "re-purposed" to symbolize the passing of the Olympic spirit or ideals from Greece to the hosting country.

When was the first Olympic torch relay?

In Stornoway. Thats why stornoway is so famous

Where and how is the olympic and paralympic torch lit?

The Olympic Torch is ignited at the site of the ancient Olympics in Olympia, Greece. The torch is kindled by the concentrated light of the Sun, focused by a parabolic mirror. The torch is then carried by a relay of runners to the location of where the games are being held.

Where was the torch lit?

the olympic torch was lit in greece

When was the first olympic torch used?

According to the New York times article the Olympic torch relay did not become a permanent part of the Olympics till the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games.

Why does every Olympic Games have a torch relay?

They have a torch relay to show they care about the world.

Where is the olympic torch lit?


When is the Olympic torch in Reading?


What was the olympic torch route?

The Olympic torch relay always terminates in the central stadium of that year's Olympic Games.