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Because when he came back from his first retirement from Basketball (when he was playing Baseball), his original number, 23, had been retired.

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Q: Why did Michael Jordan choose the number 45?
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What is the number of Jordan's jersey?

Michael Jordan played with the jersey numbers 23 and 45.

What number did Michael Jordan have when he played for the bulls?

23 and 45

Why is Michael Jordan's number 23?

Michael Jordan is number 23 because he wanted 45 but his brother took it so he divided 45 by 2 and that was 22.5 which rounded up to 23 so that is why he is 23.

Why did Michael Jordan choose number 23?

Michael Jordan idolized his brother. He thought he had half his skills. His brother wore 45. Half of that is 22.5. Round that off and that's 23. When Jordan came back to the Bulls after his first retirement, he briefly wore the number 45 before going back to #23 in the 1996-97 season.Michael Jordan idolized his older brother Larry who wore 45. Michael wanted to be half the man Larry was so divided 45 by 2 and rounded it up to 23.See the Related Links for an interesting article on the matter.

When did Michael Jordan choose Number 23?

He chose it in High School. He came into the team and wanted to be number 45 but it was taken by his older brother, so he split in half and settled with 23.

Michael Jordan's jersey number for the Chicago BULLS?

23 , but he also wore 45.

What was Michael Jordan's jersey number with the Chicago Bulls?

23 , but he also wore 45.

What is Michael Jordan's first Baseball Card?

his number was 45

What was Michael Jordans numbers?

Michael Jordan's number was 23, for olympic dream team he was worn 9 and after the retirement he used 45 for quite some time..

What was Michael Jordan's number when he played for the Chicago Bulls?

Michael Jordan was #23 with the Bulls.

What no did Michael jordan have?

23 and 45