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Lenin adapted Marxism's conditions in Russia because he believed in it. He, like Karl Marx, believed that Russia and it's people can be in better conditions if everyone was equal. This came to thought because of how high starvation and homelessness population steadily increased. Marx started the concept of communism in Russia, and Lenin tried to finish it.

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Q: Why did Lenin adapt Marxism to conditions in Russia?
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What conditions in Russia made it necessary for Lenin to adapt Marxism to Leninism?

Lenin modified Marxism to Leninism in response to Russia's specific conditions such as its underdeveloped economy, lack of industrial proletariat, and autocratic government structure. Lenin believed that a vanguard party was needed to lead the revolution in Russia, and that the working class needed a clear and centralized leadership to succeed in their struggle for power.

Why did Lenin adapt Marxists idea to Russian conditions?

Because Russia did not have a large force of urban workers.

How did Lenin adapt Marxism to conditions russia?

Marx himself predicted that between the workers' revolution against the capitalist system and the total elimination of all vestiges of capitalism there would have to be a transition period. This transition period would have the difficult job of ensuring that persons still dedicated to capitalism did not force the country back to it. The workers would have to take charge of the government by way of a Dictatorship of the proletariat. According to Marx this would not be a dictatorship such as some "communist" countries turned into. It would be a government of democratically elected officials with the exception that the capitalists would not be permitted to participate in it. The main adaptation to conditions in Russia was that Lenin did not wait until Russia became industrialized and its peasant farmers turned into exploited factory workers as in Germany. Russia was mainly peasant farmers with little industrialization. Thus it did not fit the model Marx first theorized was necessary for the overthrow of capitalism. Lenin forced a political revolution first to take control of the government which would then end the capitalist economic system. Marx believed that the workers would seize the economic system and then end the capitalist political system. Since Lenin's revolution was political rather than economic, his dictatorship excluded all non Communist Party members in favor of Party members (a political distinction). Marx would have excluded capitalists in favor of socialists (an economic or class distinction).

Whose ideas about communism did Lenin adapt?

Lenin adapted Karl Marx's ideas about communism and socialism although with some differences. After the Revolution and during the Russian Civil War, Lenin imposed a socialist system in place of the former capitalist system and he imposed what was called 'war communism' on the country.

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