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When Lenin and his Bolshevik Party staged their revolution against the democratic provisional government in Russia, the economy and social structure did not fit the model envisioned by Karl Marx. To fit it Russia would have required an advance trade union movement, a high level of capitalism, and a peasant class eager to give up land to the central government. These were among several other missing "ingredients". Seeking power, and retaining it, caused Lenin to trash real Marxism and create his own ideology. Perhaps the last statement is too strong, however, Marx would have been spinning in his grave if could witness the Bolshevik power grab. Since the Bolsheviks did retain power, Lenin and his approving followers now ruled by the principles of Marxism-Leninism. Happily, for the sake of Leon Trotsky and others, they did not call it Leninism-Marxism.

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Lenin modified Marxism to Leninism in response to Russia's specific conditions such as its underdeveloped economy, lack of industrial proletariat, and autocratic government structure. Lenin believed that a vanguard party was needed to lead the revolution in Russia, and that the working class needed a clear and centralized leadership to succeed in their struggle for power.

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Q: What conditions in Russia made it necessary for Lenin to adapt Marxism to Leninism?
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Who was a revolutionary that contributed to Marxist theories of government?

Lenin. Supported by the germans, he overthrew the government of russia and founded the ussr. he added the idea of a communist party to marxism, forming the ideaoulogy of Marx-Leninism.

Why did Lenin adapt Marxism to conditions in Russia?

Lenin adapted Marxism's conditions in Russia because he believed in it. He, like Karl Marx, believed that Russia and it's people can be in better conditions if everyone was equal. This came to thought because of how high starvation and homelessness population steadily increased. Marx started the concept of communism in Russia, and Lenin tried to finish it.

What is Marxism-Leninism and how or why did it stir passions in the US?

Marxism-Leninism is often regarded as synonymous with communism. In the West we tend to use the label Marxism-Leninism interchangeably with communism. In fact, Marxism-Leninism refers to a specific ideology of communism which was codified by Joseph Stalin after Lenin's death. The term is not synonymous either with Marxism or communism but persists in being used that way. Passions are stirred because any form of communism is anathema to the West.Karl Marx, the Father of communism, in 1848 proposed that communism would be the final stage in the evolution of human society: a classless, stateless society. Vladimir Lenin was one of the strongest proponents of Marxist ideals. After the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917, Lenin built upon and elaborated the ideas of Marx, creating what eventually came to be called Leninism. Leninism served as the basis for Soviet communism. After Stalin consolidated his rule in the Soviet Union, Marxism-Leninism was declared the official ideology of the state and remained so for Stalin's lifetime.As a title, the term Marxist-Leninist is sometimes used by one communist party which wishes to sound more "orthodox" than some other ("revisionist") communist party.Since the socioeconomic basis of democracy as we practice it in the West is capitalism, and capitalism's polar opposite is communism, there has been an overheated clash of ideologies ever since the publication of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto in 1848. In the West, communism in any form is to the present day considered the lethal enemy of freedom and democracy, and thus stirs considerable anti-communist (Marxist-Leninist) fury. The US and other western democracies spent most of the 20th Century furiously fighting communism/Marxism-Leninism, sometimes in actual "hot" warfare as in Korea and Vietnam.Communism or Marxism-Leninism seem less of a threat today since the breakup of the Soviet Union and the rise of capitalism as an economic system even in Communist China.

What is market-Leninism?

If Soviet Russia was Marxist-Leninism, China is Market-Leninism. In other words, communist; China has a one party system and that party is communists, but the focus is not on isolation. Soviet Russia had no interest to compete in the global market, where China is Market-Leninism, they compete in the global market and remain communist or follow the teachings of V.I. Lenin.

Why did Marxism likely find a particular foothold in Russia and its politics?

Russia was the last European country to have serfs. Russia did not have any factory jobs. The people felt that Marxism would be better than what they had.

What ideas did Lenin add to Marxism to create Marxism-Leninism?

Lenin added the concept that the road to communism did not need to wait for the creation of a proletariat of exploited workers to rise up and seize the means of production. He believed that a properly coordinated centralized group of professional revolutionaries could do so politically and this is exactly what he and the Bolsheviks did in the October Revolution of 1917. The so-called Communist Revolution was not one that Marx had originally envisioned.

How does Marxism affect Russia today?

Marxism has greatly influenced Russia's history and continues to be reflected in the country's political and economic policies. Although the official ideology shifted away from Marxism with the collapse of the Soviet Union, elements of Marxist theory can still be seen in the country's emphasis on state control of key industries and resources. Overall, Russia's approach to governance and economic planning has been shaped by its historical association with Marxism.

Did Mao Zedong study in Russia?

No, he only got influence of Marxism.

What did Leon Trotsky believe?

Leon Trotsky held many beliefs both in political science, economics and in Marxism. Leon Trotsky believed in the basics of Marxism. He believed that only a violent revolution could bring about a communist society in both Czarist Russia and the Russia ruled by a Provisional Government that replaced the czar when the czar had to abdicate. Trotsky understood how difficult it would be in transforming Russia to help its people. He believed that perseverance was necessary. He worked long and hard for the goal of creating a Marxist state in Russia. Trotsky also believed that Josef Stalin had abandoned Marxism and was directing the USSR into a one ruler State. That State would be controlled by Stalin.

Where did marxism originate?

In the ideas of Karl Marx

Where did marxism take place?

Marxism originated in Germany and then spread to other European countries, particularly Russia, where it became highly influential. Marxism also had significant impact in China, Cuba, Vietnam, and various other countries as a political and economic ideology.

Why didn't Marxism apply to Russia?

It did too--ever heard of Vladimir Lenin? ...Although I suppose if you want to be technical, his new philosophy came to be called 'Leninism', and it made some changes to the basic Marxist doctrine like having the Bolsheviks organise and lead the revolution instead of the proletariat suddenly rising up. Still, the basic concepts were quite similar.