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actually not that stupid of a question? they play 4 quarters in high school? only sport that is same in high school yet totally changes in college? of course quarters only 8 minutes in high school and 12 in nba, so no reason they couldn't have 4 - 10 minute quarters in college? games go from 32 minutes in high school to 40 minutes in college to 48 minutes in nba, understand length goes up, but the reason it goes to halves in ncaa instead of quarters? still don't undertand why they cant play 4 - 10 minute quarters? only sport were high school is more like pro`s then college is?

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Q: Why are college basketball games played in 2 halves but the NBA is played in four quarters?
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How many halves are in a high school basketball game?

In college basketball there are halves that are 20 minutes long In high school basketball there are quarters that are 8 minutes long In NBA there are quarters that are 12 minutes long

How many innings in a basketball game?

There are no innings in a basketball game. Each game is divided into sections. All levels have two halves. In college, each half is twenty minutes long. In high school and below, the halves are divided into eight (and sometimes, six) minute quarters. In the pros, quarters are twelve minutes long. There is a gap of several minutes between halves. Gaps between quarters are relatively short. If the score is tied at the end of regulation, then overtime periods of various lengths are played until a winner emerges.

How long are the quarters in a college basketball game?

College basketball is played in halves, with 20 minutes per half. Only high school and NBA play quarters.

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There are two 20 minute halves in college basketball. If the game ends in a tie, there is an extra 5 minute overtime. They will continue the 5 minute overtimes until someone is leading when the final buzzer sounds.

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Field Hockey is played in 2 halves consisting of 35mins each.

How many quarters can be played in a season of basketball?


What sports are played in quarters?

American football and basketball.

What is Indiana rules for quarters played in high school basketball?

4 quarters of basketball at the high school. Eight minutes each.

Four quarters in Gaelic football?

No. A standard game of Gaelic football is played over two 35 minute halves. There are shorter time spans in some levels of the game, like 30 minute halves for under 18s matches known as minors, but it is always played in halves, not quarters.

When did NCAA football change halves to quarters?

According to the FIFA Laws of the Game, a football match is played in two equal halves (not quarters). In the event that you're talking about American football, the answer is four--which is actually evident from the word "quarters" regardless of what sport you mean.

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