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College Basketball is played in halves, with 20 minutes per half. Only high school and NBA play quarters.

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17y ago
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11y ago

in the nba there are 4 quaters of 12 minutes adding up to 48 total minutes

Overtimes are 5 minutes

in college there are 2 20 minute halfs .

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14y ago

Depends on the league. NBA= 4 10 min quarters NCAA= 2 20 min Hlafs

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10y ago

Unlike NBA Basketball, NCAA Division I Basketball features two 20 minute halves. I.e. 10 minute quarters.

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13y ago

its actually not quarters its half and theres 20 minutes in each half. which means there are 40 minutes total in the game but because of the calls that stop the clock they usally go longer

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12y ago

10 mins one quater

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14y ago

it depends on the division

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15y ago


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Q: How long are the quarters in a college basketball game?
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A professional basketball game is made up of four of these?

A professional basketball game is made up of 4 quarters.

How long is a college basketball game?

A College Basketball game is 40 minutes long. 20 minutes each half.

How long are quarters in college basketball?

There are two halves, each half is 15 minutes long

How many halves are in a high school basketball game?

In college basketball there are halves that are 20 minutes long In high school basketball there are quarters that are 8 minutes long In NBA there are quarters that are 12 minutes long

How long do basketball games last?

The length of a Basketball game depends on the level of the game. A high school basketball game is required to last at least 32 minutes with four 8-minute quarters. There is a 10 minute halftime between the second and third quarters. A College Basketball lasts 40 minutes and consists of two halves.There is a fifteen minute halftime. For an NBA game, the length of the game is 48 minutes. There are four quarters of 12 minutes and a fifteen minute halftimeR.

How long is a game of basketball in the Olympics?

In international play, the basketball game has four quarters lasting ten minutes each. In the NBA, the quarters are 12 minutes each. Five minute overtimes apply to each set of rules.

How long does an Olympic basketball game last?

middle school and high school are both 4 8 min quarters, college is 2 20 min half, and the NBA is 4 12 min quarters

How many innings in a basketball game?

There are no innings in a basketball game. Each game is divided into sections. All levels have two halves. In college, each half is twenty minutes long. In high school and below, the halves are divided into eight (and sometimes, six) minute quarters. In the pros, quarters are twelve minutes long. There is a gap of several minutes between halves. Gaps between quarters are relatively short. If the score is tied at the end of regulation, then overtime periods of various lengths are played until a winner emerges.

How long were the quarters in a NBA basketball game in 1990?

12 minutes. same as it always has been.

How many periods are there in a basketball game?

two 20 minutes halves ... overtime periods are five minutes.

Why are professional basketball quarters 12 minutes long?

To speed the game up; otherwise, a person can dribble until dawn.

How many min. in a pro basketball game?

in a regulation NBA basketball game there is 48 minutes. Four, 12 minute quarters. overtime quarters are 5 minutes each. but overtime is not limited to 4 quarters. the overtime can keep going until one team outscores the other.