Wilt Chamberlain (100 points on March 2nd 1962 against the New York Knicks).
I think it was Michael Jordan. Because he is a beast!
It was wilt chamberland, has over 100 points in one game
Scott skiles
According to the Duke basketball web site (http://www.dukereport.com/history.php) Reddick scored 2769 points during his career.
Kareem Abdul Jabbar (formerly Lew Alcindor) scored 38,387 Wilt Chamberlain scored the most points in a single game of all time: 100 points
Harry Ratnam of Fresno scored 29 points in the 3rs quarter of a basketball game!
Kobe Bryant scord 81 against rapters
Scott skiles
lebron james
There have been 5 OU Bball players who have scored at least 2000 points in their career.
J.J. Redick
Donovan Little
1oo by wilt chamberlian
About 38387 points.
Basketball who in the 2012 olympic games scored the most points
John Pierce of David Lipscomb College class of '94 scored 4230 points in his career.
According to the Duke basketball web site (http://www.dukereport.com/history.php) Reddick scored 2769 points during his career.
Larry Bird scored a total of 21,791 points, 25th on the all-time scoring list in NBA history. He averaged 24.3 points per game in his career.
Karl Malone. He scored 36,928 points.