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You have to run, know how to dribble, know how to shot, jump, rebound, and most important be coordinated.

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Q: List and describe the basic skills needed to play a game of basketball?
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Learn the Basic Skills in Basketball and Practice it Everyday.......................(Practice Makes Perfect).

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Basic movement skills are those needed to perform basic functions. These movement skills include being able to pick up objects and move them for example.

Basic skills in playing basketball?

Some basic skills include:Hand-eye coordinationDribblingReading the play before it happens (i.e. knowing a guy is going to cut towards the basket)ShootingDefensive awareness

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Reflection In the Basketball unit this year, we used a teacher, student method to teach those who were not as well-versed in basketball. We started with the basic skills before moving on to intermediate skills or strategies. This progression of skills helps with team play as all skills used in basketball, whether basic or more advanced, are constantly being used in a game of basketball. However, without a progression of skills that start from the more basic to the more advanced, players would not know when to use a skill properly. For example at the beginning of the unit when many of the students in the class did not know much about basketball, basic skills like positioning, shooting and passing were not properly performed in game. I enjoyed the tournaments we played, not so much the warming up, and skill trainings, there's no real explanation to why I didn't like it.

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Basic knowledge of addition and subtraction.

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Basic reading and math are important skills needed for any of the armed forces of the U.S. military.

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Basic cleaning skills are the main type of skills needed. Organization and paying attention to small details are also important.

Basic skills of the game?

In basketball you have to have coordination in order to dribble the ball and run at the same time. You also have to have to be able to shoot, so that you can score points for your team.

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Do you need scientific training to breed animals?

Pretty basic science skills are needed, yes, like"the penis goes into 'X' "

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For working at a construction site, it is very important to know the safety rules and regulations. Also basic math is needed, as well as skills with ones hands.Ê