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On a track at the temple of Zeus at Olympia in Elis in southern Greece.

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Q: Where did the running games take place in the ancient Olympics?
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Where did the Olympics take place in ancient Greece?

Olympic games took place in Delphi and Corinth. The most famous games took place in Olympia. These games were held every four years.

Name two sporting events that took place at the olympic games in ancient Greece?

boxing and discus were two of the nine events that took place during the ancient Greece Olympics.

In what month did the ancient Olympics take place?

The Olympics take place in August

Where did the ancient Olympics took place?


Where the ancient Olympics took place?


Ancient Olympics took place?


The year the first ancient Olympics took place?

The ancient Olympics are said to begin around the year 776BC.

Was Poseidon a part of the Ancient Olympics?

Poseidon was partly related to the Ancient Greek Olympics. The Isthmian Games were sacred to Poseidon and Palaimon. These games were 1 year before and 1 year after the olympics. The games consisted main event was horse racing due to Poseidon being believed to be the creator of horses. As well as this, musical contests also took place.

Why do medals get given out in the ancient Olympic games?

In the ancient Olympics, no medals were awarded. The first-place winner was given an olive branch to wear on his head. The second and third place winners got nothing.

Was cycling a part of the ancient games?

No. The original olympics took place several hundred years before the first bicycle was invented.

Does the word Olympics comes from a greek word?

Yes the word Olympics comes from the Greek as a reference to Mt. Olympus, where the Ancient games were held in honor of the Greek Gods.. I have to make a correction here. The word Olympics comes from the greek word Olympia, the place in Peloponnese, where the Ancient games were held in honor of the gods. Mt Olympus is the place where the greek gods where living, their residence in other words.

What did the ancient Greek Olympics take place?
