No, but the ancient Olympic Games were held the sanctuary of Zeus.
Stadiums and H ippodromes were errected for the Olympic Games
The Olympic Games.
Yes they were
The winners.
No, there was only olympic games for men in ancient olympic history
No, the olympic games started in Ancient Greece
it was in ancient olympic
The Ancient Olympic Games were dedicated to Zeus, the God of Gods.
The Olympic Games.
women were not permitted to attend the ancient olympic games
As religous ritual, where early civilizations linked athletic performance to divine worship.
the rings are linked to show the friendship and togetherness of the people which participate in the games
The Olympic Games.
the olympic games were held for the God Zues.
In ancient Greece Olympia was the venue for the games which took their name after this city: The Olympic games. They were not in Athens. The modern Olympic Games are different.
sprinting, long-jumping, javelin, discuss and wrestling were in the Pentathlon in the Ancient Olympic games