It depends on what soccer league...what soccer league are you talking about?
The odds that the US soccer team would win the 2014 World Cup is about 23 percent.
real Madrid is the best soccer team in the world..CR7!!:D
Currently, Bob Bradley.
soccer is football with a little booty
Soccer season is in the fall for mostly all schools in America.
The soccer season in Scotland is from August all the way to May
Thee soccer season starts in mid August and ends in May .
The soccer season for the Australian League starts in mid-October. The season then ends at the end of April in the next year.
On a full regular season, no. There would be no precedent for it in modern soccer.
Soccer season in Australia starts in April and ends in September. It usually ends two weeks before cricket season starts in October.
depending on where u live it can go year around. but on the east cost of the united states fall is soccer season
For Youth Sports the fall soccer season tends to start mid-August and the spring season tends to start early March. High School Soccer starts early August, College Soccer starts the first week of August, and Pro Soccer (MLS in the U.S) starts around August 15.
the rainy season