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Q: When did the winter Olympics come to British Columbia?
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In which year is the next olympic to be held?

The next Winter Olympics are scheduled between February 12, 2010 and February 28, 2010 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Does the Olympics come every winter?


Where did the winter Olympics come from?

they came from the Nordic games.

Did Italians come to British Columbia?


How often do the summer Olympics ocuur?

The Summer Olympics occur every 4 years, and the same goes for Winter Olympics; except Winter Olympics take place always 2 years after the Summer Olympics. For example, Summer Olympics went to Beijing in 2008, Winter Olympics went to Vancouver in 2010, and Summer Olympics will come back on in 2012 in London.

What year did they come to Calgary?

In 1988, the Winter Olympics came to Calgary.

Why does most of British Columbia's electricity come from hydroelectric energy?

In British Columbia, hydroelectric energy is clean, renewable, abundant and relatively inexpensive.

How did they come up with the name British Columbia?

It was originally named "Columbia" after the Columbia River. "British" was added to distinguish it from the American part of the territory, which was later called the Oregon Territory.

Why is there no Summer Olympics in 2010?

because the summer Olympics come every 4 years and so do the winter Olympics. they alternate every 2 years. so this year is winter and in 2 years in summer

VictoriaBritish Columbia where does the name come from or was it named after someone?

Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, was named in honour of Queen Victoria.

What time will Santa Claus come to British Columbia?

I would estimate in about an hour.

Does the winter Olympics come every 4or 2 years?

The Winter Olympics is held every four years, just like the Summer Olympics. Since 1988 they have been held two years after the previous Summer Olympics date. Prior to that time, they were held in the same year as the Summer Olympics was held.