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It is unknown exactly when Cross Country was invented. This is because man himself have been racing against each other sense the caveman era. It was deemed to be "manly" to be the faster man in the tribe. Over time, the races became more sophisticated and organized, to the point of where it is at today.

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What country has the Iron Cross award?

It is given in Germany.

What country has flag with a red background and a blue cross?


What is Transnational terrorism?

Carried out by international non-governmental groups Al-Qaeda is the most famous example

What better football or cross country?

Football works out more muscles, and cross country is really boring. Depends what you see as fun, cross country is more of a manly sport though cause not everyone can run 7 miles nearly everyday. Football is fun unless you're a scrub who has never played before. Also in football you work a lot on upper body -------------------------------------------------------------------- The upper answer isn't really helpful, since they're obviously into football so are knocking the other sport. Anyways here, football and cross-country are both very good sports. They both do wonders. Cross-country builds up you lower muscles, breathing. Football does upper strength. But, cross-country has no breaks, no half times, and no time outs. If you enter a race, you can't stop. It's all about distance and how into shape you are. Football, all you really need to know is how to attack and how to throw a ball...... I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Football is hard depending on how tough the other team is, or how hard your coach trains you. Same with cross-country. So really you decide which would be better for you, football or cross-country.

What did Clara Barton do that was so important?

clara was the first one to start the Red cross!

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How do you become a cross country runner?

You go out and start running in a cross country environment.

What sports start with the proper letter x?

Well, can only think of cross country. Sometimes people write the initials for cross country as X for cross, since an X is crossed, and C for Country.

What Olympic sports start with C?

Cross country skiing is a Winter Olympic sport. Cross country cycling is a Summer Olympic sport.

How and when cross country start?

To the left, both feet moving but no running on the trucks.

Which country won the gold medal in Men's Cross Country 50 km mass start free in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics?

The country that won the gold medal in the Men's Cross Country 50 km mass start free event in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics was Russia.

Which country won the bronze medal in Men's Cross Country 50 km mass start free in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics?

Russia is the recipient of the bronze medal in the Men's Cross Country 50 km mass start free in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.

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Norway won the silver medal in Women's Cross Country 30 km mass start free in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.

Which country won the bronze medal in Women's Cross Country 30 km mass start free in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics?

Norway won the bronze medal in Women's Cross Country 30 km mass start free in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.

Which country won the gold medal in Women's Cross Country 30 km mass start free in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics?

Norway won the gold medal in Women's Cross Country 30 km mass start free in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.

Can you name all sports with the word 'cross' in them?

Cyclo- cross, cross-country mountainbiking, horse cross-country, cross-country rally, motorcross, supercross, cross-country running, cross-country skiing, boardercross, golfcross, lacrosse, and polocrosse.

What does the starter say at the start of a cross country race?

At just about every official cross country meet I've been to it's either On your marks, get set, then the gun, or just Runners take your marks, then the gun.

Cross country is to a skier as a what is to a runner?

cross country