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The first international was played between Ireland and Wales in 1895. The score was 3-0 to Ireland.

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Q: When and where was the first international game of field hockey played?
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Related questions

What country did field hockey start in?

Field hockey was first played in England but the first men's international was played between Ireland and Scotland. The first women's international was between Ireland and Wales.

What was played first ice hockey or field hockey?

Hockey was historically not played on ice until around the invention of modern ice hockey. This was well after the creation of modern field hockey, which itself derived from earlier variations. In short: field hockey was first.

When did field hockey enter the Olympic games?

Hockey was first played in the Olympics in 1908.

Where was field hockey first played?

Europe mostly England

Was ice hockey the first type of hockey played?

I believe the first kind of hockey was played on feet, not skates, it was called shinny. They played with some type of wooden block (similar to a puck), or some type of ball. An unlimited amount of people played. The oldest type of hockey is field hockey. There is an ancient Greek frieze depicting two field hockey players at Olympia, Greece.

How many different events does hockey have?

In the Olympics, there are four events: men's field hockey, women's field hockey, men's ice hockey, women's ice hockey. The first two are played during the Summer Games; the latter two are played during the Winter Games.

What is the area of a ice hockey field if it is 200ft long and 85ft wide?

Unlike other sports, hockey is traditionally played on a "rink" not a "field". This is actually the first rule of the USA hockey rulebook. USA Hockey regulations are 200 feet long, 85-100 feet wide. NHL is strictly 200 by 85. Olympic/International is 197 by 98.4.

When was field hockey first brought to America?

not sure what year, but i know the us has not played for a long time

When did females begin playing field hockey?

Exactly when is hard to tell, but the first women's field hockey club was founded in 1887. The first women's field hockey national association was in Ireland in 1894.

When was Field Hockey introduced at the Olympics?

Field hockey was first introduced in the 1908 Summer Olympic, London.

In which country was the game of hockey first played?

Although modern-day field hockey did have its origins in Britain, the game of ice hockey was first played by British troops in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, as a variation of field hockey... The first game was played by the troops on ice with field hockey sticks and a round ball.In 1825 Sir John Franklin (while on Great Bear Lake during one of his Arctic expeditions) wrote: "The game of hockey played on the ice was the morning sport."And in 1843, a British Army officer in Kingston, Ontario, wrote: "Began to skate this year, improved quickly and had great fun at hockey on the ice."

When did ice hockey enter the Olympics?

First international championship was in the 1920 Summer Olympics, from then it was played in Winter Olympics (1924,1928...)