Although modern-day Field Hockey did have its origins in Britain, the game of Ice Hockey was first played by British troops in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, as a variation of field hockey... The first game was played by the troops on ice with field hockey sticks and a round ball.
In 1825 Sir John Franklin (while on Great Bear Lake during one of his Arctic expeditions) wrote: "The game of hockey played on the ice was the morning sport."
And in 1843, a British Army officer in Kingston, Ontario, wrote: "Began to skate this year, improved quickly and had great fun at hockey on the ice."
it was played November 30th 1905
Two locations, both in Canada , claim the first organized game of hockey. Kingston Ontario, and Moncton New Brunswick, both claim the honour. The first game of hockey WITH WRITTEN RULES in place was played in Montreal Quebec, in 1875, by students of McGill University. They wrote the original rules that the present rules are based on. It is a Canadian game, for sure. The first game of hockey WITH WRITTEN RULES in place was played in Montreal Quebec, in 1875, by students of McGill University. They wrote the original rules that the present rules are based on. It is a Canadian game, for sure.
Hockey was first played by Native Americans so it is hard to tell who played the first game of hockey. Myth of fact is when colonist first saw Indians playing the game they kept shouting the word "hockey!" which translates to "it hurts!"
kingston ontario
Hockey was introduced to Alberta in the 1890's. Source:
The first game of hockey was played at the Air Canada center.
the first hockey game was played at Victoria skateing rink Montreal 1875
it was played November 30th 1905
The modern game of field hockey (which is commonly played on an artificial turf) originated in England.
Two locations, both in Canada , claim the first organized game of hockey. Kingston Ontario, and Moncton New Brunswick, both claim the honour. The first game of hockey WITH WRITTEN RULES in place was played in Montreal Quebec, in 1875, by students of McGill University. They wrote the original rules that the present rules are based on. It is a Canadian game, for sure. The first game of hockey WITH WRITTEN RULES in place was played in Montreal Quebec, in 1875, by students of McGill University. They wrote the original rules that the present rules are based on. It is a Canadian game, for sure.
Hockey was first played by Native Americans so it is hard to tell who played the first game of hockey. Myth of fact is when colonist first saw Indians playing the game they kept shouting the word "hockey!" which translates to "it hurts!"
kingston ontario
a long time ago
Hockey was introduced to Alberta in the 1890's. Source:
Hockey is one of the national sports in Canada. The first organized game was played indoors on March 3, 1875.
Two locations, both in Canada , claim the first organized game of hockey. Kingston Ontario, and Moncton New Brunswick, both claim the honour. The first game of hockey WITH WRITTEN RULES in place was played in Montreal Quebec, in 1875, by students of McGill University. They wrote the original rules that the present rules are based on. It is a Canadian game, for sure.