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It was invented some year in the 1900's.

It was 1st played in the summer Olympics in 1920 and 1st played in the winter Olympics in 1924! Follow me on twitter @HutcherJay
British soldiers and immigrants started it
There is no documented proof to verify a date as to when the sport of hockey was actually invented.
Ice Hockey was first played on March 3, 1875 at the Victoria skating Rink in Montreal

The recorded date for ice hockey was in 1855, when British soldiers from Kingston, Ontario and Halifax, Nova Scotica played the first game.

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The modern hockey puck was invented around 1875.

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ice hockey was made in the 1850's

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Q: What year was ice hockey invented?
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Was ice hockey invented in the 1920's?

No ice hockey was invented in the 1892 i think it was

What country is the strongest in ice hockey?

CANADA! its in there blood hockey was invented by canadians

What year was hockey founded?

Ice Hockey was invented in 1875 by students at McGill University in Montreal Canada and 2 years later in 1877 those students codified the first set of ice hockey rules and organized the first teams.

Where is ice hockey most common?

In Canada, they invented it.Canada

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Hockey. Pucks were invented for ice hockey, and if it hadn't developed, more people would simply play field hockey (the original way of playing hockey).

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Shinty, which is the fore-runner of Ice Hockey (Invented in Nova Scotia)

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it was invented in 1202 in china

What biritish regiment invented ice hockey?

It was invented in Canada by the troops to fight boredom. I know this.

In what year was ice hockey started?

March 3, 1825. HOCKEY ROX!!!!

How does hockey represent being Canadian?

Canadians invented ice hockey because of canada's long winter canadians made a sport out of it

Who invented the ice hockey neck guard?

do you really care i mean how important can this be