It allowed the Bolshevik socialists to gain power and eventually establish the U.S.S.R. (Soviet Union).
When the tsar was thrown kicked out of power there was a power vacuum and a temporary governing body was set up called the provisional government which was unelected and consisted of many members of the Duma. When Lenin arrived back from exile he was greeted by a crowd in the Finland Station and outline his so called April Theses this called for a much more radical approach saying that the war should end at once an end to co-operation with he provisional government all power to the soviet and a land reformation should take place to give land to the peasantry. His Theses attracted the workers and peasantry but was booed and heckled by the Mensheviks and doubted by his own party the Bolsheviks. Yet through his charisma it became Bolshevisk party policy and as a result the little well known Bolshevik party became a bigger force as numbers swelled from 10,000 to 300,000 in months. Lenin also used slogans such as bread peace and land to appeal to the masses and with the help of trotsky and with alot of luck tied in with the failings of Kerensky leader of the provisional government and kerenskys decision to arm the Bolsheviks in the fear kornilov a dissident general would attack petrograd in the end bring about the Bolshevik seizure of power
Anarchist Syndicalist version!
The strains of involvement in a world war brought the tzarist Government to its knees. It couldn't stand the pressures of governing such an enormous country and running a major war!
The Country dissolved both socially and economically, the social establishment collapsed. The politicians described above, were in a time warp and the working classes had to manage for themselves to build up an alternative system to sustain an equitable life style.
They succeeded!
For social life they built up a system of Committees known in Russia as Soviets, with delegates from all the districts involved or even interested!
In their working life they built up, very slowly and painfully, an alternative industrial set up of Collectivisation and Workers Control.
However, the rest of the Country, or that part stemming from the Old Regime, the Middle classes opposed and tried to wreck the infant movements. When the volatile political parties's saw that power was actually held by the working class through these new bodies and that there was a life away from politics, they moved to take power away from them. In many cases they made use of the leadership from the remnants of the Old regime.
The Bolsheviks, soon got their members controlling the Soviets, not everywhere and all at once, but they knew what they wanted and Lenin at least new how to get it!
For Workers Control? Things were different, the Bolheviks, were midlle class intellectuals who imagined they new .'it all.'
Having had some slight success with their schemes The Worker Control Movement called a Conference to develop their skills and success' but the Bolshis had their followers infiltrated in to the Councils of Action and Workers committees, the result was a take over by the Bolshevils of the means of production.
Though no one knew it then, the February Revolution wast the successful one. , the October Revolution was the first stage of the Counter Revolution and the success at
the Industrial Conference of the Bolshevik Governments plans meant the Revolution was lost!
sorry last few sentances a bit scrunched up
good luck.
There were two revolutions in 1917. His response to the first one, the February Revolution, was to abdicate his throne and step down as Czar. He had no response to the second revolution, the October Revolution, since he was a virtual prisoner of first the Provisional Government then a real prisoner of the Bolsheviks who overthrew the Provisional Government.
Try this: "The "Russian Revolution" was actually three revolutions: the 1905 Revolution, the February Revolution of 1917 and the October Revolution of 1917."
The Russian Revolution occurred in 1917. There were actually two revolutions, the February Revolution, when the Tsar was overthrown and the October Revolution, when Lenin and his Bolsheviks/Communists took over.
Lenin's Revolution is known as the October Revolution of 1917 or the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. There had been another Russian Revolution in 1917 called the February Revolution, but Lenin did not figure in that at all. He rose to power because of the October Revolution.
Nazis did not lead the Russian Revolution. There were two revolutions in 1917. The February revolution was not led by anyone. It happened spontaneously. The October Revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin.
The political revolutions in Russia after 1914 were the February Revolution and the October Revolution both occurring in 1917.
There were two revolutions in 1917. His response to the first one, the February Revolution, was to abdicate his throne and step down as Czar. He had no response to the second revolution, the October Revolution, since he was a virtual prisoner of first the Provisional Government then a real prisoner of the Bolsheviks who overthrew the Provisional Government.
Try this: "The "Russian Revolution" was actually three revolutions: the 1905 Revolution, the February Revolution of 1917 and the October Revolution of 1917."
The Russian Revolution occurred in 1917. There were actually two revolutions, the February Revolution, when the Tsar was overthrown and the October Revolution, when Lenin and his Bolsheviks/Communists took over.
The "communist revolution" was led by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party followers. There were two Russian Revolutions in 1917. The February Revolution ousted the Czar, but was not a communist revolution. The October Revolution was orchestrated by Lenin and the Bolsheviks and ousted the Provisional Government set up after the February Revolution. The Bolshevik changed their name to Communists in March 1918.
There were two revolutions in 1917, but Lenin led only the second one. The first was the so-called February Revolution (also called the Patriotic Revolution). The second was the October Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution).
Lenin's Revolution is known as the October Revolution of 1917 or the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. There had been another Russian Revolution in 1917 called the February Revolution, but Lenin did not figure in that at all. He rose to power because of the October Revolution.
Nazis did not lead the Russian Revolution. There were two revolutions in 1917. The February revolution was not led by anyone. It happened spontaneously. The October Revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin.
The Bolshevik Party led the October Revolution of 1917. There was another revolution in 1917 called the February Revolution, the the October Revolution is commonly referred to as the Russian Revolution, because it resulted in the establishment of the Communist government and the Soviet Union.
Czar Nicholas II Romanov was Czar at the time of the Russian Revolutions in 1917. He abdicated the throne after the February Revolution and was out of the picture entirely by the October Revolution of 1917.
There were four Russian Revolutions. The first one was the Revolution of 1905. Then there was the February Revolution of 1917, then the more widely known one, the October Revolution, which is also named the Great October Socialist Revolution, Red October, October Uprising, or the Bolshevik Uprising. The latest was the 1991 Revolution, which ended the Soviet Union and formed the Russian Federation.
There were two revolutions in Russia in 1917. No particular group led the February Revolution. It started as a spontaneous unorganized demonstration and then general strike against the Tsarist government. Tsar Nicholas II realized he could not restore order because the military would not obey him so he abdicated the throne. The Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Lenin led the second revolution. This was called the October Revolution or the Bolshevik Revolution.