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The first Russian revolution came in 1905. It is plausible to say that it resulted from Russia's hard defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, but this revolution also had deeper roots. Russia had been transformed very unevenly by rapid industrialization; some regions were heavily industrial, while others were hardly included in the market economy. The economic boom during the late nineteenth-century had brought negative effects in the early 1900s when demand for goods died down, prices dropped, and the working class suffered awfully high levels of unemployment. All the while, low grain prices had resulted in quite a few peasant uprisings, which along with students' energetic radical organizing, became very political.

Furthermore, as the people heard more and more about the defeats of the tsar's army/navy, they came to understand how inefficient the regime was. Middle-class subjects wanted change and radical workers held strikes and demonstrations in all the important cities.

The first key event in this Russian revolution occurred on January 22, 1905, known as "Bloody Sunday". A group of 200,000 workers and their families were led by a priest to demonstrate their grievances at the tsar's St. Petersburg palace. The guard troops killed 130 demonstrators and wounded several hundred. This further worsened the government's public image, and the general protest/revolts proceeded from here.

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The Bolshevik Revolution was mainly an anti-war movement, in revolt against Russian involvement in WW I.

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What was one cause of the outbreak of the Red Scare?

The Revolution In Russia

Who was the king of russia after the Russian revolution?

After the revolution in Russia was not kings.

Who is the founder of 1917 revolution of USSR?

There was no 1917 revolution of the USSR. The revolution was in Russia, which later joined with Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation to form the USSR. As to the Revolution in Russia in 1917, the first one, the February Revolution was not led by anyone. It broke out spontaneously in Petrograd and spread to other cities. As to the second one, the October Revolution, Vladimir Lenin led it.

What events in Russia caused the country to withdraw from the war?

The economic loss in Russia and the revolution started in Russia caused Russia to withdraw from the war.

Was the Russian revolution a success or a failure?

It managed to overthrow the Csar and Imperial Russia, but it failed to reach its utopian goals.

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The Bolshevik Revolution was mainly an anti-war movement, in revolt against Russian involvement in WW I.

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Answer this question… To establish a communist government in Russia

Who is the founder of 1917 revolution of USSR?

There was no 1917 revolution of the USSR. The revolution was in Russia, which later joined with Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation to form the USSR. As to the Revolution in Russia in 1917, the first one, the February Revolution was not led by anyone. It broke out spontaneously in Petrograd and spread to other cities. As to the second one, the October Revolution, Vladimir Lenin led it.

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Was the main cause of the 1905 revolution in russia its economic backwardness?

Russia's economic backwardness was definitely a key cause, but other key factors included the political situation of the Tsar's oppressive autocratic rule, the terrible living conditions for the peasantry and proletariat (working class), the loss of the Russo-Japanese war, and Bloody Sunday (the catalyst that tipped Russia into revolution.)

What war did Russia get out from due to their revolution?

Russia's new government took them out of World War I after their revolution.