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Blind Man's Bluff (4-12 PLAYERS)

One player is blindfolded. The other players form a circle around the blindfolded person within a confined area. One of the players turns the blindfolded person around three times, then takes a position within the circle. The blindfolded person moves about to catch one of the players (who are not allowed to move). The first person caught by the blindfolded person becomes the next blindfolded person.

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11y ago
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13y ago

hey mama, iiiiiiiiiii, oh

i wanna scream so loud for you,

cus im so proud of you,

let me tell you what im about to do,

i know i act the fool but i promise you I'll answer your question,

ok sports played in 1800 was

Gladiator areanas where the opponent would have to fight a massive dinosour, and even sometime the whole of the whale army, i know its shocking but it happened. The gladiators tended to be very tall as the greater height gave them no advanatge what so ever.

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10y ago

There weren't many sports mentioned in the 1740s era. One sport that may have been mentioned would be cricket, which is a game similar to Baseball but the balls remain on the ground.

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10y ago

The only sports around this time were simple sports, such as Golf. Croquet was also a popular time passer in that time.

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15y ago

Native Americans played Lacrosse

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14y ago


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Horse Racing

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