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unrest in the Russian military and civilian population.

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Q: What led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the establishment of a Provisional Government in 1917?
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After the abdication of Czar Nicholas II the first Russian government was primarily associated with?

Alexander Kerensky The government was called the Provisional Government and was headed first by Prince Georgy Lvov and then Alexander Kerensky until it was overthrown by Lenin and the Bolsheviks/Communists.

What year did the new Russian government be established after revolt against tsar Nicholas II?

1917. The Russian Provisional Government was established in March 1917 within a few days of the abdication of the Tsar. It was supposed to be temporary and it was but not for the reason it had anticipated. The Communist government was established in October 1917.

What was the result of the February Revolution?

The result of the February Revolution was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the institution of the Provisional Government govern Russia until a Constitutional Assembly could be elected to write a new constitution. It did virtually nothing to give the people of Russia what they had demanded to start the revolution itself. It also enable Vladimir Lenin to return to Russia in April. He would eventually start the October Revolution that would overthrow the Provisional Government and allow the Bolsheviks to take over the country.

Who was the ruler of Russia before Lenin?

Alexander Kerensky was head of the Russian Provisional Government and leader of Russia before the Communist Revolution in October 1917. Tsar Nicholas II had bee leader of Russia but he had already abdicated as a result of the February Revolution.

What happened to Czar and his family in the Russian Revolution?

Tsar Nicholas abdicated the throne during the February Revolution and was taken into the custody of the Provisional Government partly for his own protection and partly to keep him from being restored to the throne. He was held with the idea that he would be exiled to England, but the Bolsheviks took power from the Provisional Government in the October Revolution and forced the Provisional Government to hand Nicholas and his family over to them. In July 1918, during the Russian Civil War, the Bolsheviks murdered Nicholas and his entire family in order to ensure that he would never be able to come back to power again.

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After the abdication of Czar Nicholas II the first Russian government was primarily associated with?

Alexander Kerensky The government was called the Provisional Government and was headed first by Prince Georgy Lvov and then Alexander Kerensky until it was overthrown by Lenin and the Bolsheviks/Communists.

What year did the new Russian government be established after revolt against tsar Nicholas II?

1917. The Russian Provisional Government was established in March 1917 within a few days of the abdication of the Tsar. It was supposed to be temporary and it was but not for the reason it had anticipated. The Communist government was established in October 1917.

What was one of the results of the Russian Revolution?

One result of the Russian Revolution of 1905 was the creation of the Duma, a democratically elected house of parliament and the issuance by Tsar Nicholas II of the October Manifesto, which promised greater freedoms of individual liberties. One result of the February Revolution of 1917 was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II in favor of the Provisional Government. One result of the October Revolution of 1917 was the overthrow of the Provisional Government and the takeover of the country by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, later known as Communists.

Who was the last romanov leader?

That would be Tsar Nicholas. It would not be his brother Mikhael for several reasons. First he was legally not entitled to be Tsar even if Nicholas II abdicated in his favor. Second, he refused to accept the title. And last, he was never formally crowned Tsar. In addition, he was never a leader, because immediately after the abdication, the running of the government was taken over by the members of the Provisional Government.

What was the result of the February Revolution?

The result of the February Revolution was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the institution of the Provisional Government govern Russia until a Constitutional Assembly could be elected to write a new constitution. It did virtually nothing to give the people of Russia what they had demanded to start the revolution itself. It also enable Vladimir Lenin to return to Russia in April. He would eventually start the October Revolution that would overthrow the Provisional Government and allow the Bolsheviks to take over the country.

What was the name of the ruler of Russia before the bolshevik's took over?

Alexander Kerensky was the head of the Provisional Government when the Bolsheviks took over. Before him Prince Georgi Lvov headed the Provisional Government. Just prior to the Provisional Government, Tsar Nicholas II was the ruler of Russia.

What was the name of the red party that led a revolution against Nicholas II?

The Bolsheviks.To clarify:No "red party" led any revolution against Nicholas II. The "red party", the Bolsheviks, led a revolution against the Russian Provisional Government.After Tsar Nicholas II abdicated, the Russian Provisional Government was set up to replace the former Tsarist government. Nicholas was no longer in power. The Bolsheviks, the "red party," led an armed insurrection against the Provisional Government in the October Revolution and succeeded in overthrowing that government and taking control of the country.Thus, no red party led a revolution against Nicholas II.

Who did the Bolsheviks seize power from in November 1917?

The Bolsheviks took power from the Russian Provisional Government in November 1917 (October according to the Russian calendar). At that time the Provisional Government had already replaced Tsar Nicholas II and by November it was headed by Alexander Kerensky. The Bolsheviks did not seize power from Tsar Nicholas II. The Provisional Government was set up in place of the Tsar's government to maintain order and run the country until a new constitution could be written.

Who was the ruler of Russia before Lenin?

Alexander Kerensky was head of the Russian Provisional Government and leader of Russia before the Communist Revolution in October 1917. Tsar Nicholas II had bee leader of Russia but he had already abdicated as a result of the February Revolution.

What czar of Russia who gave up the throne in march 1917 and was executed by the revolutionaries in July 1918?

Czar Nicholas II abdicated his throne in the March Revolution of 1917. Several unfortunate decisions had made him a very unpopular monarch who had no support from any faction in Russia. A liberal democratic provisional government was put in place upon his abdication. Exiled Bolsheviks returned to Russia, successfully ousting the liberal democratic provisional government. Following their success, the Czar and his entire family were executed.

Who ran the Russian government after czar Nicholas II?

After Nicholas II was arrested, the politicians in the Duma decided to give a lead to Russia. They set up the 'Provisional Government' until elections could be held later in 1917 for the 'Constituent Assembly.' The Constituent Assembly was intended to write a new constitution to govern Russia under a democratically elected government. The Provisional Government was not very effective and did not satisfy the revolutionary demands of the soldiers, workers and peasants. When the Provisional Government lost the support of the people, Lenin and his Bolsheviks took power from the Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks survived the Russian Civil War and retained power from then on.

This was overthrown by the Bolshevik revolution?

The Russian Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky was overthrown by the Bolshevik Revolution. It did not overthrow Tsar Nicholas II. He had already been overthrown by the February Revolution.