The result of the February Revolution was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the institution of the Provisional Government govern Russia until a Constitutional Assembly could be elected to write a new constitution. It did virtually nothing to give the people of Russia what they had demanded to start the revolution itself.
It also enable Vladimir Lenin to return to Russia in April. He would eventually start the October Revolution that would overthrow the Provisional Government and allow the Bolsheviks to take over the country.
The result of the February Revolution was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the institution of the Provisional Government govern Russia until a Constitutional Assembly could be elected to write a new constitution. It did virtually nothing to give the people of Russia what they had demanded to start the revolution itself.
It also enable Vladimir Lenin to return to Russia in April. He would eventually start the October Revolution that would overthrow the Provisional Government and allow the Bolsheviks to take over the country.
It came about as a result of a revolution in California.
The Provisional Government.
The result of the revolution in 1991 was the fall of the Communist Regime that had ruled Russia since 1917.
The three stages of the "Russian Revolution" were the 1905 Revolution after Bloody Sunday, the February Revolution of 1917 and the October Revolution of 1917.
The "Russian Revolution" that everyone is familiar with occurred in 1917. It consisted of two separate rebolutions, the February Revolution and the October Revolution.
Tsar Nicholas II was the first leader overthrown as a result of the February Revolution in Russia in 1917. Alexander Kerensky, head of the Russian Provisional Government was the second leader overthrown as a result of the October Revolution in 1917.
The EDSA Revolution is celebrated in February. The revolution took place between February 22 and the 25, 1986 in Metro Manila, Philippines.
February 23-27,1917
One result of the Russian Revolution of 1905 was the creation of the Duma, a democratically elected house of parliament and the issuance by Tsar Nicholas II of the October Manifesto, which promised greater freedoms of individual liberties. One result of the February Revolution of 1917 was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II in favor of the Provisional Government. One result of the October Revolution of 1917 was the overthrow of the Provisional Government and the takeover of the country by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, later known as Communists.
The February Revolution occurred on February 22, 1917, according to the Julian calendar that Russia was using at the time. The Julian calendar was about 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar which most of the rest of the world used. For the western world, the revolution occurred on March 8, 1817; however in Russia, it occurred on February 22, 1917, hence the name February Revolution. The following year, Russia changed over to the Gregorian calendar, but the February Revolution never lost that name even though the anniversary of the revolution was honored on March 8.
Both the February and October Revolutions too place essentially in Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg) and to some extent in Moscow as well. They were not really "fought" in the sense that the American Revolution was fought. The February Revolution occurred as a result of mass civilian demonstrations which were soon joined by some members of the military. The October Revolution was more like a military coup by the Bolsheviks in Petrograd, but there was fighting in Moscow leaving hundreds dead.
It came about as a result of a revolution in California.
On Friday, February 11, 2011 President Mubarak stepped down as a result of the Egyptian January 25th Revolution which asked him to do so.
Absolute monarchy was rejected in England.
February 1917
The Provisional Government.
February 25, 1986