the dobyns bennett high school Basketball team(out of Kingsport, TN) has the most wins for any high school team. on february 2, 2007, the team beat Sullivan central high school (out of Blountville, TN) for their 2000th win.
Barrie Eget
Darwin High School.
Johnstown-Monroe (OH) High School set the national record for most consecutive free throws made by hitting all 36 free throw attempts on 02/20/79 in a game against Licking Hts ( OH) High school. This broke the old record held by Great Falls,Montana of 24 for 24 set in 1977.
ken white
ana assist in Basketball is when u pass the ball to a teammate and they score.
Barrie Eget
The current leader for most consecutive appearances is Arizona with 23.
Jean Ribault High School----
Darwin High School.
Washinghton high school. In Sioux falls, SD
The record is held by sophmore stud muffin weiner licker from licking valley hs RYAN FOSTER DIERKS!!!!
Johnstown-Monroe (OH) High School set the national record for most consecutive free throws made by hitting all 36 free throw attempts on 02/20/79 in a game against Licking Hts ( OH) High school. This broke the old record held by Great Falls,Montana of 24 for 24 set in 1977.
Dobyns Bennett High School in Kingsport Tennessee achieved 2,000 basketball wins in the 2006-2007 season!
basketball and football
How high does your gpa need to be to play basketball