

Does ancient rome call soccer football or soccer?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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1) They spoke latin so neither

2) Football wasn't invented yet so neither

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Q: Does ancient rome call soccer football or soccer?
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The most Popular Roman sport is Football. Not American Football, But in the United States it is called Soccer.

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Historic artifacts and enduring traditions make it clear that football has been played in Egypt, Ancient China, and Rome. The game's basic principles survived through the years and went on to be played during the medieval times.

Was football a sport in ancient Rome?

No, not as we know it today, but people probably did kick a ball around.

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Soccer originally came from England while a few teenagers were mucking around in a college football match.A game played in the streets in England in which players were allowed to use any part of the body, including feet and hands, to take the ball from one side to the other. From this game derived Soccer, Football, and Rugby.

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alaric wanted the land of rome. some people call this the 911 in ancient times.

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The centre of the city of Rome was the Forum Magnum, which now people call Roman Forum.