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Don Nottingham, nicknamed 'The Human Bowling Ball', played seven seasons for the Baltimore Colts and Miami Dolphins between 1971-1977. Click on the 'Don Nottingham Career Stats' link below to see his career statistics.

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Did soccer exist during the French Revolution?

No the French revolution was 1789. The rules of Association Football were not formulated until 1863.

Does soccer have another name for it like football?

Soccer is referred to as football in the United Kingdom.Answer'Soccer' is alternative name for 'Association Football'. The word Soccer started as a phonetically abbreviated vernacular word for Association football coined by English public school students who took the 'soc' from 'Association' and put an 'er' on the end. The same students called Rugby football 'Rugger' but this word has largely fallen out of use. Typically an Oxford University student who played Association football and Rugby football would be described as "an Oxforder who plays Soccer and Rugger". Association Football was coded in 1863 and this is why prior to this the word Soccer did not exist.

Why did the people of the middle ages play chess and not football?

AnswerFootball wasn't invented until 1889 and chess was. AnswerPeople of the Middle Ages played both chess and football. Please use the link below for more information on medieval football.

Why was world football invented?

Soccer originated in China for a recreational game or a pastime.AnswerThe rules of Soccer (Association football) were written by a man called Ebenezer C. Morley in 1863. Morley was the first secretary of the 'Football Association' in England who were attempting to standardise the many forms of football being played at the time. Morley based his 'Laws of the game' on ' Cambridge rules' football first drafted at Cambridge University in 1848. Ultimately they failed to standardise football because some of the Football Association founder members could not agree on the rules. They decided to develop Rugby school football instead and in 1871 delivered Rugby Union Football.Any form of football played before this was not called soccer. The word soccer is a phonetic abbreviation of the word 'Association' coined by English public school students who took the 'soc' from 'Association' and put an 'er' on the end. That is why prior to 1863 the word soccer did not exist. It is probably worth noting the same students called Rugby football 'Rugger' but this word fell out of use.

What was a medieval football made of?

Early footballs began as animal bladders that would easily fall apart if kicked too much. As time went on footballs developed to what they look like today. This was possible with the help of people like Charles Goodyear, who introduced rubber and his discoveries of vulcanization to the design of footballs. Today, technological research is ongoing to develop footballs with improved performance.

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Totten, Hampshire has an amateur football team

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you dont, they dont exist

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nobody they done exist LOL

Does full contact youth rugby or Gaelic football exist in the Boston area?

Boston, England? Yes it does. Both also exist for Boston, Massachusetts. For Gaelic football, see

What would a game of soccer be like with friction?

Friction is essential for Walking and other movement. So obviously it is of paramount importance in football. Without friction, A player can't grip the ball, the ground pr other players. Running, which is the base of football, doesnt exist without friction. Hence, no friction = no football.

Is there a woman national football league?

Not an official one, but women's pro football leagues exist around the country.

Do career placement tests exist?

Career placement testing is done all the time for high school kids. They are called aptitude tests and can tell you what career you'd be good in.

Is football only an American sport?

No. The Canadian Football League - which is older than the NFL - is a good draw in Canada and small gridiron football leagues exist in other countries.

Who was on the 2000 college of Charleston football team?

No one, as that team did not exist. The College of Charleston has not fielded a football team since the early 1900s.

Where is holy cross dunmore pa football field located?

it doesn't exist sorry