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No the French Revolution was 1789. The rules of Association Football were not formulated until 1863.

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What was Canada's role in the American Revolution?

Many British Loyalists became instant Canadians after the American Revolution.

What would have happened if the French revolution never took place?

The Holy Roman Empire will still exist. Italy, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg would not exist. Maybe not even Monaco.

His ideas helped inspire the french revolution?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was the inspiration behind the French Revolution. The leaders of the revolt praised his concept of undivided sovereignty. In his book, "The Social Contract", he stated that the government can't exist unless it looks out for the welfare and equality of its citizens.

How did the french revolution change Europe?

The French Revolution gave the world a different model from the American Revolution. The American Revolution was a giving of rights taken away or an extension of rights. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution simply listed rights that various kings had previously affirmed belonged to all Englishmen. The American Revolution limited the tyranny government could do. The French Revolution on the other hand presented a violent overthrow of the old order. It was not an evolutionary change but a revolutionary change. Many revolutionary groups chose to follow the French style of Revolution. The main one was communism. The politburo was a thinly disguised committee on public safety. It served the same purpose. Stalin was Robespierre. They begin with high sounding rhetoric. It had a dream based on platitudes. It disintegrates into chaos. The dream that a people can live by platitudes keeps appearing and never works. A group takes over the government and becomes terrorist. The impact of the French Revolution has been to destroy the old order. Like the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolution destroyed the old landowning nobility. All revolutions based on the French Revolution do that. Then internal corruption brings the collapse of the revolution. When no other way is seen to exist to get rid of a powerful entrenched nobility, a French revolution may occur. When the task is to prevent a return of tyranny as it was in Germany after World War 2, an American Revolution may occur.

Did Russian soldiers support the Russian revolution?

Russia didn't exist during this time... Obviously...and there are no such thing as soldiers, especially not in Europe innand around wwi

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Did the estates exist after the French Revolution?

No. The revolution created a classless society (In theory at least).

Were zombies part of the french revolution?

No. Zombies, like unicorns, don't exist

Who was LA's governor during the American Revolution?

Louisiana, as a state, did not exist at the time of the American Revolution.

What did Germany and Italy do during the french revolution?

Germany and Italy both did not exist as such during the French Revolution. Both areas consisted of a considerable number of bigger and smaller Kingdoms, Bishoprics, Dukedoms etcetera. Most of them did not interfere with the revolution in France. Later on, the French decided to export their new-found revolutionary ideals to these countries, and French armies - mostly under Napoleon and his Marshalls - overran many of the Italian and German states. Napoleon then established of his siblings and in-laws as kings and queens of the newly conquered German and Italian lands.

Did the US exist during the French and Indian War?

No. The French and Indian War ended in 1763. The US did not exist until 1789.

Who was the president of the US during the revolution?

The office of President didn't exist until 1789.

What was Canada's role in the American Revolution?

Many British Loyalists became instant Canadians after the American Revolution.

What is the French word for exist?

The French word for "exist" is "exister".

What would have happened if the French revolution never took place?

The Holy Roman Empire will still exist. Italy, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg would not exist. Maybe not even Monaco.

His ideas helped inspire the french revolution?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was the inspiration behind the French Revolution. The leaders of the revolt praised his concept of undivided sovereignty. In his book, "The Social Contract", he stated that the government can't exist unless it looks out for the welfare and equality of its citizens.

What part did the poor class play in the French Revolution?

They killed people and ate stuff so they all died, so france does no longer exist. Your Face.

How did Napoleon stop the French Revolution?

The French Revolution ended with the creation of the French Consulate by coup in 1799 in which Napoleon became the First Consul of France. The legal government of the Directory ceased to exist.