I don't think football pants are called anything special, just pants.
what football team was called washington's fisher
soccer... more commonly spelled futbol. Internationally, the game of American football is known as 'gridiron'. The vast majority of the world calls soccer football. Only in North America is football called soccer and gridiron called football.
Its called Football, not Soccer. Football was developed in Britain, not America. Spain developed football after we introduced it to them.
They are called "black holes".
The holes on your sneakers are called 'eyes'
Take a knife and cut it
I do not know if they have a musical name but they are commonly just called Recorder Holes.
The F holes in a cello are called... <drum roll!> F-holes! They are also called 'sound holes', and acousticians might refer to them as 'ports'.
Football back plates need to be attached to shoulder pads. LineÊup the holes of the back plates with the holes of the shoulder pads and insert screws through the aligned holes. Make sure that the back plate is attached tight enough so that it does not slip.Ê
tiny holes in the skin are called pores
Football as in soccer is called voetbal Football as in American Football is called American Football
The holes in a shirt for fastenings are called buttonholes, even if there are no buttons to go through them. If they are small and round they may be called eyelets.
The holes are called craters. They are the sites of impact of meteors and meteorites. The walls of the holes consist of dust thrown up and out by the impact.