net with large holes
According to PTR Certified Tennis Professional, a commercially available tennis net has 5440 holes, but the number may vary depending on the manufacturer.
Averaging 103 holes..... bored in exams lol.
There are 1360 squares in a volleyball net thank you very much!
Due to the large or small holes that may be in a net, there is no way that water can be caught in them. Nets are used for catching fish or insects.You are not able to catch water in a net because netting has holes.
A standard football net typically has 4 holes, one in each corner where the net is attached to the goal frame. These holes allow the net to be securely fastened to the goal structure. The holes are strategically placed to ensure the net is taut and properly positioned to catch the ball during gameplay.
Net diffusion means the total diffusion due to both holes & electrons .
They are called "black holes".
The holes on your sneakers are called 'eyes'
I do not know if they have a musical name but they are commonly just called Recorder Holes.