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Q: What are the equipments used in arnis?
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Where can you buy Arnis Equipments in Davao City?

You can find complete Arnis Equipments in Davao at ML Fitness Gym at St. Anthony Village, Lanang Davao City from live sticks to protective gears. Own and manage by Arnis/Escrima Master Mario Palazuelo.

What strategies scoring in arnis?

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What are the materials used in arnis?

Arnis is the name of martial arts in the Philippines. Some of the equipment used to fight in Arnis includes knives, sticks or weapons with blades.

What is arnis that is used in gymnastics?

Arnis is a type of martial arts that was once practiced as a type of self-defense. Arnis is used in gymnastics as a way to strengthen the body and promote hand-eye coordination.

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Who is the father of arnis?

George Arnis

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What equipment are used in mining?

There are many equipments that are used for mining. These are crusher equipments, screening equipment, rock crushers and conveying equipments. I found a company which supplies Anaconda and Sandvik equipments. Just visit the website for more information.

Regional names of arnis in the Philippines?

Arnis-was a bogu

What are the materials and equipment nedeed in arnis?

arnis stick

What are the disadvantages of arnis?

You might hurt yourself when practicing Arnis.