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Everything that's anything in Lawrence, KS. A lot of streets and apartment complexes. I used to live in "The Campus Courts at Naismith".

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Q: Was anything named after James Naismith?
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Who came up with the idea of basketball?

Dr. James Naismith, The guy named Dr.James Naismith.

What college court has James Naismith's name printed on it?

The University of Kansas named its court after James Naismith.

Is there a muesum of James Naismith?

There is a Basketball Hall of Fame located in Springfield MA named for James Naismith.

Who created baskett ball?

A Canadian named James Naismith in 1891

Basketball originated in?

It originated in Canada,created by a man named James Naismith.

Was James Naismith black?

No, James Naismith was white.

What is the origin of the name of the game 'basketball'?

From a guy named James Naismith in November 6.1961.

When was basketball invented by a German guy?

No, by a Canadian named Dr. James Naismith in 1891

Who thought of the game basketball in the US?

James Naismith created basketball in the U.S. The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame is in Springfield, Massachusetts and was named in honor of him

Was James Naismith rich?

It is not known if James Naismith was rich or not. James Naismith is the creator of the sport, basketball. Basketball was invented in 1891.

Why is James Naismith famous?

James Naismith is famous because he invented basketball.

What are James Naismith's accomplishments?

James Naismith invented basket ball.