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Dr. James Naismith, The guy named Dr.James Naismith.

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James Naismith was the inventor of Basketball.

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James Neisbeth

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Q: Who came up with the idea of basketball?
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Did Canada get the idea for basketball?

No,Canada has nothing to do with the thinking up the idea of basketball.The idea came from an American.To play in YMCA as a fun game it was tooken seriously by America in springfeild massachuests where it originated. Canada has litterally 0% of basketball credit.

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Where did the basketball begin?

i don't know exactly but it was invented in Canada

Who was the kid to suggest the name for basketball?

I'm sure that came from the fact that when basketball was created, the ball (then a soccer ball or football ball) was supposed to be shot into empty peach baskets, left behind by fruit pickers. James Naismith then apparently came up with the idea and named it after the goal of the game: shooting the ball into the basket, hence, basketball.

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Who came up with the game of basketball?

Dr. James Naismith

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I am pretty sure masashi kishimoto came up with the idea because he did draw them.

Who came up with the name of the game basketball?

Dr. James Naismith

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