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Micheal Jordan, Larry Bird, Clyde Drexler, Oscar Robinson, Shaquille Oneal, Charles Barkley, Wilt Chamberlin, Bill Walton, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Magic Johnson, Kenny "the jet' Smith, Reggie Miller. All these fools was yoked out when they were playing in the nba.

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Q: List of NBA players that use steroids?
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Which nba player was caught for using steroids?

I know that Chris Andersen was caught for steroids.

List of players that have taken steroids in football?

Danny Rose of the ind colts has taken steroids and got kicked off the NFL assoc. there is no history of this due to the severeness

How many players in the Major League Baseball use steroids?

there are many players in the mlb that use steroids. My guess would be 30-40.

How many Phillie's used steriods?

Of the current players, none use steroids. Unlike the stupid Yankees, who have several players, such as A-Rod, who used steroids.

Why do baseball players use steroids?

To enhance power and stamina

What percent of Major League Baseball players use steroids?


How may Dominican Republic players have tested positive for steroids since 2003?

About 63% of all Dominican Republic baseball players tested positive for the use OS steroids and other PED.

What percentage of high school athlets use steroids?

The intake of steroids is common for players in almost every sport since they enhance the performance of the players. Today's use of steroids is not limited to Major League Baseball (MLB), NFL and WWE but also encompasses FIFA, UFC and MMA. According to some ex-players of NFL and MMA about 90% of the players are on stuff.

What does steroids do to a person physically?

Steroids make the body produce twice as much testerone which makes a person more aggressive that's why pro players use steriods

What kind of steroid does rugby players use?

Steroids are BANNED in both rugby codes. Players for using such drugs can and do receive lifetime bans from the game at all levels

How many MLB players have used steroids?

Steroid use in Major League Baseball has been an ongoing problem for 20 years. However, the actual number of players who have used steroids is unknown, as names and accusations continue to surface.

Should players who have been proven to use steroids still be recognized for their accomplishments?

No cause the steriods did everything they should be looked down on.